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I have been doing different types of kettlebell workout since 2006. First I was introduced to kettlebell fitness, which was basically like using a kettlebell instead of a dumbbell. I did that for 5 years along with a lot of other exercising, such as cycling, bodybuilding and gym classes.

In 2011 I was taught the basic lifts (clean, jerk and snatch) and I started seeing clear results in 2 weeks, even though I dropped the time of exercising to less than a half, and I was using quite light kettlebells, too. In 4 months I had lost 2 inches from my biggest problem area, thighs, even though I didn't change my diet at all. Same thing also happened to a student of mine the next winter, actually she lost even more inches.

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Q: Has anyone done kettlebell workouts and seen dramatic results Did you lose weight or just tone muscles?
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What is a good weight loss workout that is fast?

riding bikes or playing a sport Try doing some Kettlebell workouts and Pilates is brilliant. I am currently doing both and seeing some great results although I have also started to incorporate my cross trainer into the exercise program. Try it and don't give up! You will get there!!

How long will it take to see results from kettlebell training?

That depends a lot from what you do with the kettlebell.I didn't see any results in 5 years before I shifted from kettlebell training to kettlebell lifting. Then it took 2 weeks, and since then, it's been every week (for over 2 years now).

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How to Train Using a Kettlebell?

Track and field athletes work hard to prepare their bodies for events in their specialized category. Exercise techniques are fine tuned to each athlete’s chosen track sport, such as a Thrower, getting them ready for competition. Throwers occasionally apply exercises using a piece of track and field equipment called a kettlebell, a medicine style ball with handles. Follow the guideline below for training techniques using a kettlebell. ▪ Step 1: Learn the reason behind the kettlebell. The kettlebell is an invaluable to exercise tool for every thrower teaching balance, coordination, throw explosion, hip rotation and flexibility. A thrower can train using this one piece of exercise equipment using five simple exercises in no more time than a pre-practice warm-up. ▪ Step 2: Learn and use the bottom up kettlebell press exercise. This exercise will challenge your movement in the shoulders. Holding the kettlebell handle with the base over your knuckles make a pressing movement above your head. Avoid the kettlebell from toppling over while pressing. Start all exercises with small repetitions building up as you are capable. ▪ Step 3: Learn and use the kettlebell swing exercise. The swing should be done prior to any other kettlebell exercise. Use a heavier kettlebell to do one or two arm swing exercises. Place both hands on the bell on the ground between your legs. Straighten your back, contract your abdominal muscles inhaling a fast breath and vigorously spring up snapping your hips into a stand. The kettlebell will swing forward from the motion of your legs; your arms do not do anything except hang onto the bell. The upper legs and hips should take the weight of the bell on the way down. One arm swings can be done in this same way. ▪ Step 4: Learn the kettlebell snatch exercise. This bell exercise starts off like a one handed swing exercise. The difference is you will use your arms in this exercise. When the bell starts to swing pull the bell up and backward guided through the elbow. When the kettlebell is at its highest point vigorously push the bell with your entire arm in the air. The bell should rest on the forearm when fully extended. Flip the bell over and down as you would on the way up. Rhythm to the exercise movement is a key factor to great results. ▪ Step 5: Learn and use the clean and the clean press kettlebell exercises. Start the clean the same way as the previous two exercises. When the bell starts to swing bring your elbow into your ribcage and pull the bell up to your shoulder, dipping to the side while contracting lateral and oblique muscles vigorously push the bell upwards fully extending the arm and return to the starting position. Kettlebell exercises are a great piece of track and field equipment teaching throwers balance, flexibility and motion coordination. With five easy short exercises and one piece of equipment throwers will be thrilled at the results of their training efforts and be ready for their next competition.

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Plate tectonics Evolution

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Kickboxing is well known for being a calorie burning workout. It is estimated that a 30 minute session of kickboxing can equate to about 500 calories burned. The top two workouts for cardio kickboxing include the horizontal elbow striker which uses muscles in the abdomen, back, and oblique's. The second move is called the Thai knee strike which works the abdomen and upper legs.

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no i cant really feel the burn after a few workouts i dont really like it cause its not giving me results

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