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There is no need to gain weight if you like your skinny figure or your height, sounds an awesome one.

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Q: Gain weight I am super skinny and rly tall Im 13 years old 5 8 and 105 pounds I have a thigh gap I don't have any eating disorders?
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How many woman who compete in Beauty Paganet have eating disorders?

Not many. Fat people can still win in beauty pagents. Most are normal weight, not skinny.

If you are 12 and you weight 90 pounds are you overweight?

no that means your skinny very............. skinny

I am 5'2 13-year-old girl and i weight 95 pounds Am i too skinny?

If you are eating a healthy diet and not trying to starve yourself, then your body will be at the weight it needs to be naturally. For you, that's 95 pounds. Don't worry about it.

Eating disorders concerning in matters of food and weight?

That would be virtually all eating disorders. The most common are anorexia and bulimia.

You are 10 and you weight 53 pounds is that skinny?

That is a way skinny. in my world you should way beyween 70-85

How do you use eating disorder in a sentence?

Example sentence - We were concerned about his weight and whether or not he had an eating disorder.

Is weighing 160 pounds and being 6' too skinny?

No way! This is a 'normal' weight for your height. Not at all too skinny!

If you are 14 yrs old 5.2 feet and weight 81 pounds is that fat skinny or average?

I think that's skinny. . .

What other eating disorders can a toddler have if Pica has been ruled out?

weight dieases.

What symbolizes eating disorders?

If you are 50% less than your weight for your height and age

What are facts about eating disorders?

no one is immune to getting an eating disorder. men and women are both affected eating disorders are normally not about being skinny, it is a way of dealing with other things depression often goes hand in hand with eating disorders eating disorders are very dangerous and often times lead to death people suffering from bulimia are harder to detect because they normally are of a normal weight to slightly overweight one type of eating disorder is overexercising one can stop menstruating due to an eating disorder many eating disorders go unnoticed by family members there are some websites out they (pro-ana pro-mia) who give tips and support eating disorders once someone develops an eating disorder, they usually draw away from people and the things they used to like, being consumed with their disorder an eating disorder is similar to other addictions and can be just as powerful to overcome

Why are dancers at risks of eating disorders?

coz they loss so much weight by dancing