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Foods that are high in fat will be sweets and processed foods that are high in calories and have very little nutritional value. This is also foods that are very tasty and appealing.

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i think fizzy drinks chocolate( i think you can figure out the sweets)

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chips and burgers

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Q: Food that contains fats
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What form of energy contains food?

Food contains, carbohydrates, proteins, sugars, fats, and vitamins/minerals.

What does unhealthy food products contains?

Unhealthy food contains artificial flavors and chemical stabilizers. They also contain a large amount of salt, sugar, or fats.

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Ants are attracted to cat food because it contains proteins and fats that are appealing to them. The scent of the food can also attract ants, leading them to the source.

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Why is hot dog a junk food?

It contains many variety of types meats. It contain nitroits, fats, and lot of salt.

How do you test for fats and oils?

Rub the food on a brown paper bag. If it leaves an oily spot that does not dry, it contains fat.

What food substance is in coke?

There is mainly sugar but coke also contains carbohydrate fats acid and many other chemicals

How many fats are there in 135 calories?

Fats are not in calories but in food. Food nutrients (and fats are one of them) usually have calories.

What has Fats?

Fats are found in food. They are one of the three components of nutrition; carbohydrates, proteins, and fats.

What contains more energy than carbohydrares?

Fats contains more energy than carbohydrates. As can be found on many food nutrition labels, carbohydrates have 4 calories per gram, Proteins also have 4 calories per gram but fats have 9 calories per gram.

Does broccoli contain saturated monusaturated or polyunsaturated fats?

Broccoli contains no fats, it is a vegetable.

Does fish contain fats?

A Watermelon Green fish