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Q: Effect of heat in carb.
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What the Honda hornet Sensor carb?

Sensor carb means, their is a heater on carb. It is used for very cold countries. Because when bike start it helps to heat fuel for sufficient temp.

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heat stroke, heat cramps and heat exhaustion

Will carb icing happen less than 20f?

Generally, if the moisture in the air is already frozen into ice crystals, they will not freeze to the sides of the carburetor. Where it becomes an issue is if you were to apply carburetor heat in this scenario. If it is only slightly below freezing, applying carb heat can melt the ice crystals into water, which can then collect and freeze in the carburetor. So applying carb heat below 0'C (or 32'F) can sometime make the situation worse.

What is the effect of electricity utilized in a calling bell is?

heat effect

What is the effect of temperature change to the amount of heat content of the substance?

The effect of temperature change to the amount of heat content of the substance is called heat transfer. As heat increases, the temperature decreases.

Can a planet with no atmosphere have a greenhouse effect?

No, a planet without an atmosphere cannot have a greenhouse effect because the atmosphere is necessary to trap heat and create the warming effect. Without an atmosphere, there is no mechanism to retain heat and create the greenhouse effect.

What form of heat is caused by the greenhouse effect?

There are three types of heat transfers: conduction, convection and radiation. The heat transfer caused by the greenhouse effect is radiation.

What is the effect of heat on liquied?

The effect of heat on anything (gas, solid or liquid) is the same. Heat is energy and the application of energy to a system will increase the motion of the molecules in that system.

What is the effect of heat of fats?

The most common effect of heat on fats is that it causes them to break down. They will become liquid but cannot be converted into gas even on excessive heat.

How can effect of heat on a reaction be determined?

heat is treated as a reactant or product

What is the effect of heat on decomposition?

Heat speeds up the decomposition process