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Proteins build and repair the body's tissues. Proteins are found in meats, eggs, and a variety of beans and nuts. The human body does not use proteins to make lipids.

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Q: Does your body use proteins to make lipids?
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What are some nutrients that help your body use other nutrients?

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What energy and particles does the body harvest from digestion?

Heat energy, mechanic energy, and new chemical energy.

How can you make a Golgi body?

The Golgi body is a structure found in cells that is made up of a series of flattened membranes called cisternae. It is formed through a process of membrane biogenesis where vesicles containing proteins and lipids bud off from the endoplasmic reticulum and fuse together to form the Golgi body. The Golgi body is involved in processing, sorting, and packaging proteins and lipids for transport within the cell or secretion outside the cell.

In what form do lipids enter the cells of the body?

Lipids enter cells in the form of lipoprotein particles. These particles are composed of lipids and proteins and are used to transport lipids across cell membranes. Once inside the cell, lipids can be broken down and utilized for energy or stored for future use.

Which molecules does your body use the most?

The molecules our body uses the most include water, glucose, lipids (fats), proteins, and oxygen. Water is essential for many biological processes, glucose is the primary source of energy, lipids are important for cell structure and energy storage, proteins are vital for various functions in the body, and oxygen is necessary for cellular respiration.

How are lipids and proteins and nucleic acids related to photosynthesis?

Lipids are a storage form for energy produced during photosynthesis. Proteins are essential components of the enzymes involved in photosynthesis. Nucleic acids carry the genetic information that codes for the proteins involved in photosynthesis.

Cells use to get energy only when carbohydrate's are not available?


What is the use of lipids in living things?

Lipids are what makes up the cell membrane, together with proteins, and also it serves as short-term energy. Remember that lipids are things like fats.

What does the body use lipids for?

They are primarily burned for energy and used to make cell walls and the lining of nerve fibers. They have many other uses in the body.

What are the subunits of a protine?

The subunits of proteins are called amino acids. We use twenty of these amino acids to make all the proteins the body uses.

Is this true or false all the body's vital processes take place in amino acids?

False. many processes use proteins, but vital processes is a very broad term. vital processes in the body include electrolytes (salts) lipids, hormones, etc. so while many processes do use proteins for metabolism, there are plenty of vital functions that use other classes of chemicals