Wheat is a cereal that has been domesticated for years now. Wheat is known to be the number one source of vegetable protein.
crackers contain some protein, and wheat crackers have more protein than other crackers.
The average amount of protein in a potato is 3 grams. Two slices of wheat bread contain about 4.5 grams of protein. So, the ratio of the amount of protein is about 3:4.5
gluten is a type of protein found in wheat. I'm no expert, but i know it's impossible for protein to contain fiber, it just doesn't work
cereals contain three major components: bran endosperm, and germ. Wheat bran comes from the bran or outer covering of a wheat kernel which is high in protein and fiber.
Yes, they do not contain gluten, a protein found in the grains wheat, rye, oats and barley.
Flour is typically made from ground wheat grains, which contain starch, protein, and fiber.
Eggs are not made of wheat, rye, or barley (which contain the protein Gluten). Eggs are unborn chickens.
No, wheat is not a good source of protein. Protein is found in meat, poultry, eggs, dairy and beans.
Does Herbal life contain wheat or gluten?
All grains contain starch, as starch is a storage of energy inside the seed to allow it to grow.
Meat does contain protein
Gluten is a wheat protein that is harmless to 99% or less of the population, and vodka and other liquors do not contain gluten.