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vitamin tablets work but doesnt mean u dont have to go out side vitamin D tablets do have side affects but listen to your doctor


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Q: Does vitamin d tablets work
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Related questions

Which fruits contain vitamin D?

No fruits have vitamin d. You can get it from going outside for 15 or you can buy tablets that have vitamin d.

Why have GNC vitamin d own brand tablets become so small?

GNC vitamin D tablets that are their own brand have become smaller because the tablets are more concentrated. GNC offers its own brand of vitamin D and many other tablets for health.

How many 5000 iu tablets should you take for 100000mg of vitamin d?

A huge number. Doses of vitamin D are usually measured in mcg (micrograms), not mg (milligrams). You would have to take eight hundred thousand 5000 IU tablets of vitamin D to be one hundred thousand MG. That's 800,000 5000 iu tablets of vitamin D = 100,000 mg. Even if you mean micrograms (mcg) it would require eight hundred (800) 5000 iu tablets of vitamin D to be 100,000 mcg. 800 5000 iu tablets of vitamin D = 100,000 mcg.

What are the some good vitamin supplements for health?

Some good vitamins supplements to boost someones health includes Vitamin C tablets and Vitamin D tablets. These supplements can be found at your nearest chemist.

What is the effect if we don't have vitamin d?

People who have deficiency of Vitamin D may have bones disorder and body ach. The best way to recoup Vitamin D is to have morning shine of rising sun thogh like other vitamins tablets of Vitamin D is also available in the market.

Where do humans get vitamin D?

Probably milk, in developed countries. Milk is fortified with Vitamin D, and has been since the late 40's, if not earlier.

What do you get vitamin a from?

vitamin a tablets

What is good to take for osteoporsis?

Calcium tablets and vitamin D tablets, eating bananas (potassium), and whatever else the doctor tells you to take.

Why was you prescribed remylin d tablets by diabetes doc?

because being diabetic and suffering from heat flashes in feets and deficiency of vitamin d

What rovigon tablets used for?

Vitamin A and Vitamin E

How do get vitamin d?

Vitamin D is found in egg yolk, cod liver oil, fish, "Sunny D", Milk products etc, but you can attain it from multivitamin tablets. Lack of it can lead to Rickets (retarded bone growth and bone malformation).Vitamin d is getting sun and fish.Milk and getting sun.People naturally get vitamin D through direct exposure to sunlight. Milk is also a source of vitamin D, as are multivitamins or supplements. You can get vitamin D from the sunOne source of Vitamin D is sunlight. If you need a dose, soak up some rays. Just don't overdo it and burn.

Why doctors prescribe vitamin tablets along with antibiotics?

why doctors prescribe vitamin b tablets along with antibiotic