The mucusless diet really does work. It is a diet that doesn't have mucus in the food that you eat. It is a very helpful diet if you really want to lose weight.
That will depend on what diet you have and what your goals are.
Weight Watchers is one of the best diet programs. If one attends the meetings, one will lose weight, get support and lots of diet tips that really work.
You can find out information about the reverse diet at any website that talks about diets, specifically the reverse diet. You can also ask friends about it.
It works for some and then it doesnt work for some other people. It really just depends on how your body adapts to the diet. No diet is a garantee to work.
The osteoporosis diet does work but it is not a diet that is intended for fast weight loss. The website mentioned gives the osteroporosis diet plan and how it helps more for your bones.
A high protein, low carbohydrate diet like the South Beach Diet plan, or the Atkins Diet plan really work. This is because protein and vegetables are used for energy and carbohydrates are low and do not turn into fat.
From what I have heard this diet has been said to work. However, I do know people who have tried this diet, and it has failed. So over all I would say that this diet is not effective at all.
The Jillian Michaels diet incorporates principles from science. It incorporates diet and exercise and is very intensive but will work for people who are committed to losing weight.
The macronutrient diet depends on you eating a specific portion of the essential nutrients the body needs to function. It will work if you really are committed to eat accordingly to your daily caloric intake.
All fad diets work in the short term. The Egg diet will work in helping you to lose weight, but the best way to keep weight off is through proper diet and exercise.