

Best Answer

Yes, but it is dangerous. Do not use it.

Update: Pure Ma Huang Pills works a lot better then diet pills that have Ma Huang in them. Pure Ma Huang can really suppress your appetite which it can be good but have a high protein diet to suppress that stomach ache that comes a long with it. I eat a heavy protein diet including this pure Ma Huang pill. I seen major weight loss from it. After awhile I just take the pill and continue to eat a good protein or weight loss food diet.

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Yes, but try to work out. Hit the gym - I don't trust "diet pills".

Does Ultra90 Diet pill work?

No, theydon't. Most diet pills don't work. Sure, you shed a few pounds in the first week, but in the end you end up gaining more then you lost. Its said that 90% Of diet pills work this way so unless you have living proof of these diet pills working, I'd suggest you don't take them.

How do Redline diet pills or capsules work?

Redline diet pills and capsules work by use of the ingredient caffeine. Use of these products are typically attributed to bodybuilders and those with intense workout regimens. Redline diet pills and capsules work primarily by causing the body to shiver, and shred fat by this natural reaction.

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What are diet pills?

Diet pills - the very few that actually have any effect at all - are designed to boost whatever diet and exercise routine you are already doing and help you lose additional weight.Any claim that diet pills will let you lose weight without changing your lifestyle is a lie intended to do nothing more than part you with your money. Any claim that they will quickly melt away excess fat is a lie as well. The only way diet pills work is when combined with a calorie deficit (pronounced diet).As for WHICH diet pills work, I recently published a review of the top 19 diet pills out there on the market, which you are welcome to look for on Google. There are a few that offer mild benefits - but many of them do virtually nothing.

Can I get over the counter diet pills that work?

There are a mulitude of over the counter diet pills. Just like any medications they can have various side effects. Even if the products are sold over the counter you should discuss things with your doctor before using anything. Most of the products say they must be used with a healthy diet and exercise. Keep this in mind.

Does rapide 60 diet pills work in losing weight and are they safe to take?


What happens if you dont eat before taking pills?

There's a high chance you'll get seriously ill or even die.Diet pills only "work" if the stomach has food in it. That being said, there is no scientific evidence that diet pills work. Even if they claim to be "successful in clinical trials" - a clinical trial is not a scientific study - it is a biased self-promotion advert.If you do not eat, your body will eat itself. You'll consume your stomach lining, you'll eat away your muscles, including the most powerful muscle you have - the heart.If you take diet pills and don't fill your stomach for the diet pills to have something to work on (if they even do work) then you'll get seriously ill and you'll be admitted to hospital. The hospital will have no choice but to force a tube down your throat, into your stomach and pump you full of fatty nutritious food in order to save your life.Humans cannot survive without food. That is a fact. Diet pills do not have any of the vitamins, minerals and nutrients that the body requires in order to operate.I personally would advise you to lay off the diet pills - there is absolutely no evidence that they work what-so-ever. A recent study on a popular diet pill brand only a couple of years ago found that the pill was mostly a placebo and had no physical affect on weight loss.The best and quickest way to lose weight is exercise followed by healthy eating.

What diet pills work without exercise?

No diet pills really work that good without exercise, if you aren't going to do cardio, at least try to do some muscle building, like lifting weights or something, that's what will keep you strong and fit.