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Tea tree oil is all natural and extremely effective for fighting toenail fungus, but it doesn't work for everybody. You should try tea tree oil before other, more dangerous treatments.

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It varies, not all warts are equal, from about two weeks to two months.

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Usually a few weeks before any sign is shown but there are stronger remedies available.

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been on medication for over a month for green yELLOW FUNGAS doesn't work,

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Q: Does tea tree oil work for toenail fungus?
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What toenail fungus treatments are available in Australia?

There are a lot of treatments for toenail fungus and it is available world wide. Cures like tea tree oil or vinegar are the most common cures you could find.

Kill toenail fungus?

Toenail fungus can be treated with over-the-counter or prescription antifungal medications. In severe cases, a doctor may recommend oral antifungal medications or laser therapy. Good foot hygiene, keeping feet dry, and wearing breathable shoes can help prevent toenail fungus.

What treatment do I seek for toenail fungus?

Using tea tree oil and soaking it in vinegar is one of the many home remedies that you could use in treating toenail fungus. Three home remedies which already clinically proven for nail fungus treatments are tea tree oil, snakeroot leaf extract, and vicks vaporub.

How do you get rid of fungus on toenails?

To get rid of fungus on toenails, you can try over-the-counter antifungal treatments like creams or ointments. Keeping your feet clean and dry, wearing breathable shoes and socks, and trimming your nails regularly can also help prevent the fungus from spreading. In severe cases, consult a doctor for prescription antifungal medication.

Does nail polish cure toenail fungus?

That is insanely wrong. It can even cause you toenail fungus because there are some claims that fungus could live on nail polish. When you apply nail polish on toenail fungus it only worsen your situation. So better stay out of it when you have a toenail fungus.

What works on toenail fungus?

Topical antifungal medications such as terbinafine or clotrimazole are often effective in treating toenail fungus. In severe cases, oral antifungal medication may be necessary. Proper foot hygiene, wearing breathable socks and shoes, and keeping toenails trimmed can also help prevent the recurrence of toenail fungus.

Will tea tree oil help clear up toenail fungus?

yes & there are many home remedies available with varying degrees of effectiveness or you can opt for a natural solution from certain nail fungus treatment websites I ordered just the topical treatment from It's been 3 weeks now and I can start to see the pure white healthy nails growing in at the base! It seems to be working so far. I used that and neem oil, it works well for me. Yes, tea tree oil really helps in the treatment of nail fungus. In fact, the efficacy of tea tree oil the same as with prescription drugs. It has been proven through randomized clinical trials.

Is Listerine an effective therapy for toenail fungus?

if the infection is not too bad maybe listerine can get rid of nail fungus, but it very depend on the infection, you can not just use listerine for all conditions. reference:

Will vinegar kill toenail fungus?

Vinegar may have antifungal properties that can help treat toenail fungus, but it is not a guaranteed cure. It is recommended to use a combination of treatments, such as over-the-counter antifungal creams or prescription medications, along with proper nail hygiene to effectively treat toenail fungus. If the infection persists, it is best to consult a healthcare professional for further evaluation and treatment options.

How do you treat or rid toenail fungus?

To treat toenail fungus, you can try over-the-counter antifungal nail creams or nail polishes. Prescription medications like oral antifungals or medicated nail polish may be recommended by a healthcare provider for persistent cases. Keeping feet clean and dry, wearing breathable socks and shoes, and practicing good foot hygiene can also help prevent toenail fungus.

What is the best way to get rid of foot fungus?

Toenail fungus can be an unsightly ailment that is also thought of as annoying and hard to cure. However, with just a few items that you may already have in your home, you can quickly and easily treat your toenail fungus and ensure that you won't get it again. Almost everyone has some sort of vinegar in his or her kitchen pantry. If you do, then you're already on your to treating your condition. Just about any type of vinegar can be used for treament , but the most popular are common white vinegar and apple cider vinegar. To use them as a natural treatment, mix equal parts of water and vinegar together in a container that is large enough to soak your feet. You can use warm or cold water, and some even suggest that you alternate between the two. Once you have mixed the solution, soak your feet for about a half an hour. After your foot has sufficiently soaked, make sure to dry your foot and toenail completely with a towel or a hairdryer that has been set to warm. To ensure that you thoroughly treat your toenail fungus, repeat this process three times a day until the fungus has cleared. Another way to use vinegar is to apply two drops of it right to the afflicted nail's base twice each day. Just make sure that the vinegar stays in place so it can work its magic. If you have vinegar in your kitchen, then chances are you also have olive oil. Just one teaspoon of Olive oil, when mixed with two drops of little known oregano essential oil, can be applied to the infected toe to combat fungus. It should be known, however, that this treatment should only be used for three weeks or less. Tea tree oil has been said to work wonders because it is a natural fungicide and antiseptic. To use, do not dilute the tea tree oil. Apply it right to the toenail, and continue to do so until the fungus has cleared Tea tree oil also works well when combined with an equal part of lavender oil. This solution should be applied to the nail's top edge and all surrounding areas 2-3 times each day. Now, head to your bathroom. Do you have Listerine? If so, then use it to soak your infected toes. The mouthwash's antiseptic will give your toes a healthy look. While you're in the bathroom, look for Vicks VapoRub, because that also works well to treat toenail fungus. Apply the Vicks to your toenails each day and watch as the fungus disappears. Another common household item that works well on fungi is bleach. Mix a capful with water and soak your feet one to two times a day until the fungus has been eliminated. Just be aware that this treatment can cause your toenails to turn white, and some may even find that it irritates their skin. If you find that you have toenail fungus, don't worry. Naturally treating your toenail fungus can be easy and painless with just a few items found in your home.

Does tea tree oil help infections?

yes it does help with infections for example soaking ur feet with 4-5 drops of tea tree oil can rid of foot fungus and infectiosn