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Q: Does saturated fats make blood vessels healthier?
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Are all fats regarded the same?

no, fats are different there are many different kinds some are healthier than others there is saturated, unsaturated and polyunsaturated unsaturated fats are healthier than saturated fats

Unsaturated fats are considered to be healthier than?

Unsaturated fats (fats from plant foods) are generally considered to be healthier than saturated fats (animal fats). However, this does NOT mean that you can't ever eat steak or lamb chops or whatever. In small amounts, saturated fats are perfectly healthy.

Can fat be replaced in foods?

yes. fats such as butter can be replaced with margarine. because butter contains animal fats which are saturated and margarine contains vegeatble fats which are unstaurated therefore healthier. saturated fat can lead to high blood pressure and heart disease.

What affect do fats have on blood pressure?

it does affect the blood vessels causing the blood vessels to build up with plaque causing hypertension (high blood pressure)

What is the problem with eating saturated fats?

Some saturated fats are good for you and may be essential. The problem in modern countries is excessive saturated fats--not only do they make you fat but they can contribute to blocked blood vessels which can cause heart disease or strokes.There is some evidence that excessive fat consumption also can contribute to cancer.

Is it harder on one's heart to eat a lot of saturated fat occasionally or a moderate amount of saturated fat regularly?

both are bad because they clog the blood vessels with plaques of fats/lipids.

What fats that can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood?

Saturated Fats

What are fats that can increase the amount of bad cholesterol in the blood?

Saturated Fats

Why are fats carried in blood?

To help the blood and make it healthier

Why are mono-unsaturated fats the preferred fats?

Because they are a bit healthier for your body. If the fat is saturated then it is not good for you but since this is unsaturated it uis good.

What is healthier non saturated fat or saturated fat?

High saturated fats are more stable than unsaturated fats because they don't easily react to oxygen like unsaturated fats do. Unsaturated fats are oxidized easier and thus, making them more susceptible to rancidity.

Why do people need healthier foods in their diet?

Because healthier foods have less saturated fats, meaning that when eaten they do not turn into body fats. Also the 'healthier' foods like vegetables have more nutrients in, like a pure nutrient not artificial.