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Q: Does pickled garlic have the food value that they have raw?
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Is raw garlic and raw onion halal?

Garlic and onions halal but eating after going to masjd tail not be annoying people

Is raw garlic good for a chest infection?

Raw garlic is reputedly good for chest conditions.However,the big garlic(king garlic) should be used as the smaller variety can easily burn soft tissue when it is ingested.

Is garlic good for heart?

YES!! Garlic is a food and not a licensed medication, it cannot be marketed as a product intended to diagnose, treat, or prevent any illnesses. However, it clearly has a very low toxicity-"a conclusion supported even by the studies that lack demonstration of a positive effect," the authors note. They conclude that while the mechanisms of action of garlic derivatives "require further clarification," garlic-together with other healthy dietary and lifestyle measures-may safely be recommended to people seeking a heart-healthy diet. It is best to consume cooked, aged, or pickled garlic rather than raw garlic. Raw garlic can destroy tissues and be detrimental. Cooked garlic still possesses the beneficial compound allicin without having the destructive, toxic compound alliinin. Aged garlic is particularly good since it does not give the user bad breath as a side effect.

Is garlic a carbohydrate?

Three cloves of raw garlic have 3g of carbs.

Is swallowing garlic good for the body?

Raw garlic wont hurt you,it will make you smell though. Take raw ginger with it and you wont smell.

What can you do if garlic is too strong in your recipe?

try a raw potato to absorb some of the garlic

How do you make a prediction about garlic?

Try it raw.

Is it good to eat garlic raw?


What year wass garlic found?

Garlic has been used as a food by humans since long before recorded history. Wild garlic would have been pulled up and eaten raw, as were many other plants. There is no way of knowing what year a human first found the garlic plant.

How do you prepare beets to help your blood?

You just eat them, - raw in salad, pickled, or boiled.

Can Garlic lower chorestrol?

Eating garlic has been shown to improve cholesterol. Raw garlic contains a form of sulfur and is more powerful than cooked garlic.

Are pickled foods considered raw?

I am not a raw foodist, from what I know of raw some allow heating to an extend (42 degrees C comes to mind). I'm also not someone who pickles food, but when I was taught how to pickle cucumbers it did involve boiling them (to speed up the process, I believe). So I would check with your source for picked food how they make it, and decide based on that.