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Non-vegetarian food can be just as good or bad as any other food.

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Q: Does non vegetarian food good or bad?
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Non vegetarian food is good for health or not?

Yes, non-vegetarian foods (meats) can be good.

Is shahrukh khan is a vegetarian?

No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian No, Shahrukh is not Vegetarian

What are the side-effects of eating non-vegetarian food?

There are no bad side effects that will happen just because a food or meal is non-vegetarian. For an individual who has been vegetarian a long time, eating a non-vegetarian meal may cause some stomach discomfort as their body is not used to that particular food or having to digest that particular food in a long time.

What are the best food for human body is it vegetarian or non vegetarian?

Non-vegetarian...our ancestors lived on meat

Why plants are not considered as non vegetarian food?

Non-vegetarian food would be something containing meat. Since plants do not contain meat, they are considered vegetarian.

Which is better non veg or veg?

Vegetarian is good for health. When you had non-veg in your /diet it takes lot of time to digest. Generally human body is compatible with vegetarian food.

What kind of food is a fish?

non vegetarian food

Why is eating non-vegetarian food denied in the Hindu religion but compulsory in Islam?

Beef is prohibited in Hinduism. Though Brahmins are completely forbidden from eating non-vegetarian food, people from different Hindu castes eat non-vegetarian food. It is not compulsory for a Muslim to eat non-vegetarian food. One can be a pure Vegetarian and a true follower of Islam. However, eating pork is prohibited in Islam.

Why is chicken called non-vegetarian?

Chicken is referred as being non-vegetarian because it is animal flesh. Vegetarian food cannot contain animal flesh.

What is food in Agra like?

You will get both vegetarian and non vegan food there

Why is eating non-vegetarian food not good?

It's bad for your karma. Excessive meat consumption has been linked to cancer, obesity, heart disease, gout, digestive disturbances...most of these diseases are preventable...

Is salt vegetarian or non vegetarian?

Salt is NOT vegetable, nor a can put salt on food, if your a vegetarian. :3