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YES, 1 cup (240mL) of 1% Lowfat milk generally has about 1.5g to 1.6g of Saturated fat which is about 8% of the daily value of Saturated fat.

There are some milk products that have the Saturated fat removed, but they are a special product and not typical milk.

Old, incorrect answer (Simply look on the label of your milk):

No. Saturated fat is fat that you would see on steaks, bacon, and other meats as a solid. Unsaturated fats are the oils and are found in milk because of their liquid state.

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Q: Does milk have saturated fat
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Is milk a saturated fat?

No. Milk contains saturated fatty acids, but it's not in itself a fat.

What kind of fat is in milk?

Saturated fat.

What kind of fat is milk?

Saturated fat.

How much saturated fat in soy milk?

The average cup of soy milk has 0.5 grams of saturated fat.

How much saturated fat in a dairy milk bar?

1 Dairy Milk bar contains 3.7 grams of saturated fat.

Is milk a Unsaturated Fat?

No, milk is not an unsaturated fat. Milk contains a mixture of fats, including saturated fats and small amounts of unsaturated fats. Unsaturated fats are typically found in foods like nuts, seeds, oils, and fatty fish.

Does milk contain saturated fat?


Where does the fat from ice cream go?

The primary fat in ice cream is milk fat, a saturated fat derived from milk.

What ingedients are in milk?

Regular cows milk contains saturated fat, protein, calcium, and vitamin C.

Is skim milk and low fat milk the same thing?

For healthy eating purposes, yes, definatley. Skimmed milk has far fewer calories than cream, and far less saturated fat.

What is the main source of saturated fat in the US?

Cheese. The second runner up is beef, followed by milk.

Why is 2 percent milk good for you?

Many health organizations claim that saturated fat is harmful to health, particularly heart health. Because milk contains saturated fat, dairy companies often sell "reduced fat" milk, or "2%" milk (milk is normally more than 2% fat). The story goes that lower fat milk is healthier. However, if you do research, a great many studies actually show that humans require dietary saturated fats for optimal health, in which case whole milk is healthier than 2%. I'm personally of the latter opinion.