Yes sweating is part of the process for losing body fat.
If the weight you are losing is muscle, yes.
Probably; since being overweight creates its own complications. But you should avoid losing weight drastically. Do it gradually.
some people believe they wont win at sport withought them
Perspiring or sweating
By a miniscule amount, for a short period - taking something out means losing weight straight away.However, after that, any weight lossdependent on the blood loss will be entirely unhealthy.
A girl can usually tell by the decrease in her bust size.
No. A person may seem to lose more weight when it is hot out, but reall he or she is just losing more water weight from sweating. This is not real weight loss and will quickly come back as soon as the individual drinks kore water to stay hydrated.
Losing body fat and muscle mass through calorie restriction, exercise, or illness can decrease your overall mass. Additionally, losing water weight through dehydration can temporarily decrease your mass.
There is no patron saint of losing weight.
Losing weight typically results in a decrease in body fat, which can lead to a reduction in overall body size. However, the size of your head is not likely to change significantly as a result of weight loss since it is primarily made up of bone, muscle, and other structures that are not affected by fat loss.