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Q: Does kale have iron in it?
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is there kale vegetable in the Philippines?

Kale is grown in the Philippines, and readily available at most produce markets. Kale is a one of the healthiest vegetables you can eat. It is high in fiber, Vitamins A, C, and K, iron, calcium, and antioxidants. It is also fat-free.

What are kale leaves called in Tamil?

Kale in Tamil is "parattai keerai." Kale is frequently used in combination with items like chickpeas and Toor Dal in Indian cuisine, as it contains plenty of iron and lots of other vital nutrients.

How many of kale?

well i know of the leafy green kale and the dark non-leafy kale calledeither lacinato kale, dino kale, or black kale...dino because its texture is more like a reptile then leafy like the green leafy kale.

How many different names does kale have?

well i know of the leafy green kale and the dark non-leafy kale calledeither lacinato kale, dino kale, or black kale...dino because its texture is more like a reptile then leafy like the green leafy kale.

What are kale leaves in Telugu?


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How do you say kale in spanish?


What are bor kale?

Bor kale is a misnomer, it should be borecole that is another name for kale.

What color can kale be?

Kale can be green or purple.

What is the Tagalog word for kale?


Is Amanda Freitag on iron chef?

Yes. Amanda Frietag was on one episode of Iron Chef as the sous chef for Madison Cowan in battle Kale. However, she is not an Iron Chef. She was also part of the Next Iron Chef series in 2012 but was unable to win it. She lost to chef Alex guarnaschelli in the finals.

When was kale discovered?

The vegetable Kale (as Sea Kale) was known as a food by our ancient "Hunter Gatherer" ancestors.