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Fat. Cake isn't very nutritious - the only things it really provides are fat, sugar, and refined carbohydrates.

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Q: Does cake give you energy or fat?
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Related questions

Does the body fat in overweight people give them energy?

No, body fat doesn't give them energy

How can shut a fat person up?

Give them a piece of cake.

What are all the functions of fat when baking?

To keep the cake moist and to give it more flavour.

What does fat use for?

fat helps your body stay warm and give you energy

Can sugar give you energy?

Sugar is a source of energy, but mostly fat is, because, when you're fat, you're simply just storing energy...

What is high fat cake?

A high fat cake is a cake that contains high amounts of calories, fats, and sugars. It is usually a cake that includes egg yolks, milk, cream, butter, margarine, lard, shortening / vegetbale shortening, and / or oil.

What function does fat have a a cake?

Fat makes the cake moist and taste good.

Why do bones store fat?

To give your cells energy

What does body use fat for?

fat helps your body stay warm and give you energy

What does the body use fat for?

fat helps your body stay warm and give you energy

Does body fat give you energy?

Some body fat can give off energy. It depends on which type...meaning there are different types of body fat. Of course, some good and some bad. Fat is energy that has been stored for a later time. If you take in a lot of energy (like eat a lot of food), and don't use it up right away (through exercise), your liver will turn that energy into long chains of lipid (glycogen). Carbohydrates are used for quick energy for your body to use, but if unused, the body needs to somehow store that energy, and turns it into "fat". So yes, fat can give you energy--as it is a form of energy.

Which kind of cake would you expect to have better keeping qualities a sponge cake which is low in fat or a high-ratio cake which is high in both fat and sugar?

the sponge cake