

Best Answer

No Yes they make diet beer so if your trying to lse weight just go 2 Walmart thay have it!

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Q: Does beer have fat calories
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Does beer contain fat?

Beer alone would not make you fat unless you drank gallons of it. Three pints of beer are roughly the same calories as one bar of Chocolate!

How many calories in cobra beer?

Cobra beer has 132 calories in it. It also has 0 grams of fat and 10 grams of carbohydrates.

Does beer make gain weight?

Like all alcoholic drinks beer is heavy in calories. Nearly every dedicated beer drinker has his or her paunch or "beer gut"

What is in beer that causes people to get beer bellies?

A beer belly is a large amount of fat stored in the abdomen, attributed to the consumption of beer.

Does alcohol make you fat?

if you over indulge yes it will. beer has 100 + calories depending on the beer same for hard liqueur and fruity drinks have more than that. your liver works on the liqueur and doesn't work on burning fat calories

How many calories does a Modelo beer have?

A 12.5oz serving of Modelo has 155 calories. 0 fat, 14g Carbohydrates, 0 Protein

Why does beer makes you fat?

Because it's got calories from carbohydrates and alcohol. However, it's not that much more fattening then bananas.

Will beer make you skinny?

No, it's got lots of calories from alcohol and carbohydrates. It would make you fat.

How many calories are in a Coors light beer?

12 fl oz 102 calories, 5 grams carbohydrates, .7 grams protein, 0 fat

When alcohol is oxidized it is changed to water energy and what?

Empty calories. The calories in alcohol have no nutritional value, but the body will burn them for fuel over calories obtained from food. The proverbial beer gut is not made of beer, but of fat. It forms when someone is ingesting large amounts of alcohol while eating a regular diet. The body burns the simple alcoholic calories because these calories cannot be changed to other forms such as fat and stored in the body. Food, however, can be changed to fat and stored for later use. The problem is that, by taking in such large amounts of alcohol, with the body storing the food and nutrients as fat, the person is nutritionally deprived even though they may think they are eating well. The beer gut is not beer, it is food with all the vitamins and nutrients that food contains, stored as a large, fat belly. Sam Snodgrass, PhD carbon dioxide

How do you get rid of a beer belly?

The term 'Beer Belly' refers to the excess fat around the midsection.Let's face it,Beer has many calories ( around 100-150 cal for a can of light beer and 150-200 cals for regular beer).The calories from beer affect your body the same way excess calories from any food effect the body:If you ingest more calories than you burn the body convert the excess energy (calories) to fat which then becomes stored in your body as adipose tissue or better known as a beer belly, love handles, thunder thighs, hoola Hips, or a big booty.Bottom Line- To lose the beer belly- or any excess fat- you should-Drink Less-Excercise-Eat healthy foodsThe reason why beer gets the bad rap over many other foods is that alcohol contains a very high calorie content with a very low nutrition content.For example, when you eat pizza, you are consuming fat, protien, carbohydrates and fiber; when you drink beer you are consuming sugars (carbohydrates) and not much else (so your body isn't working hard (burning calories) to digest the beer and it may even be hungry.Add to this the fact that intoxicated people may have a problem judging how much alcohol they consume, and you end up with a Beer Belly!

How much alcohol in pacifico beer?

Pacifico beer is 145 calories.