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Q: Does almond contain saturated fat unsaturated fat protein glucose starch or cellulose?
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is glucose is saturated or unsaturated?


Is beef jerky made up of saturated fats unsaturated fats cellulose glucose or proteins?

Beef jerky is made up of proteins.

Is cellulose a heteroglycan?

No, cellulose is a homopolysaccharide composed of repeating units of glucose. It is a linear polymer and does not contain different types of monosaccharides, hence it is not a heteroglycan.

Is bacon unsaturated or saturated?

There is no fat in spinach. Now creamed spinach is another story. EAT AS MUCH GREENS AS YOU WANT!

Do all honey have bee venom?

Honey does not contain bee venom. It is a saturated or super-saturated solution of sugars, mainly glucose and fructose.

What is the basic unit of cellulose?

basic unit of cellulose is glucose

What monomer does cellulose have?

cellulose is a polymer. it a chain of repeating monomers. the monomer for cellulose is glucose. cellulose is a polymer. it a chain of repeating monomers. the monomer for cellulose is glucose.

What are the products of hydrolysis of Cellulose?

The products of hydrolysis of cellulose are glucose monomers. Cellulose is a polysaccharide made up of many glucose molecules bonded together. When cellulose is hydrolyzed, these bonds are broken down, resulting in individual glucose units.

How much glucose will produce form 1 gm cellulose?

Cellulose is composed of glucose molecules linked together. To calculate the amount of glucose produced from 1 gram of cellulose, you need to consider the molecular weight of cellulose and the ratio of glucose molecules per cellulose molecule. Each cellulose molecule can be broken down into multiple glucose molecules through hydrolysis.

What is is the monomer for cellulose?

cellulose is a linear polymer of glucose.

What is the cellulose monomer?

cellulose is a linear polymer of glucose.

How to absorb glucose from cellulose?

Unfortunately, humans lack the enzymes necessary to break down the cellulose found in plant cell walls into glucose. As a result, we are unable to absorb glucose from cellulose. It requires the enzymes cellulase produced by some animals and microbes to digest cellulose into glucose for absorption.