Your choice. Either way will work fine. Both honey and water are good for you.
A spoonful. What that volume may be depends on the size of the spoon.
The honey placed in the hotter liquid would melt and disperse. The honey in the colder liquid would simply sink to the bottom of the container. 45 Fahrenheit is not warm enough to melt the honey.
Collective nouns for honey are a comb of honey or a jar of honey.
No amount of honey will digest fat. Enzymes produced by the body digest fat
It helps and might cure it if you swallow a spoonful whenever your throat gets rough.
nooo that's how we have honey and crap
It dissolves, sweetening and cooling the tea.
It depends on the size of your spoon and the type of honey. Some honeys are more dense than others. A teaspoon of honey weighs about 5-8 grams. A tablespoon of honey weight about 19-22 grams.
According to THIS abstract, it looks as if honey does have an inhibitory effect on blood clotting. Check with your doctor before you start eating a lot of honey. A spoonful now and then shouldn't change INR though.
Nebulization using physiologic serum, N-acetylcisteyne 200 mg twice a day, honey ( one spoonful a day), watercress juice (one spoonful every two hours. These advices are for adults only.