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If it's a plain margarita there wouldn't be any extra calories, the only difference is blending it so the ice is crushed instead of whole. If it's a frozen margarita flavored with fruit, then it would have more calories because of the fruit.

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Q: Does a frozen margarita have more calories than a margarita on the rocks?
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Where can I find more information on frozen margarita recipes?

You can find a delicious frozen margarita recipe here: I cannot tell you if sending this recipe to a friend will be beneficial for you or not.

How many calories in a margarita?

Frozen: 180 calories (all carbs) for a 4 oz serving. Considering the average margarita glass holds 12 oz you're looking at 540 calories.There are about 218 calories in a frozen margarita.

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On one of the Whit's Frozen Custard websites it says it is 220 calories in 3 oz. It doesn't say anything more than that though.

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this is a great one, only about 180 calories! 1/2 cup frozen strawberries 1/2 cup frozen cranberries 1/2 cup frozen blueberries 1 cup enriched almond milk 1 cup ice (optional) for more calories 1/2 banana. blend together, pour into glass, enjoy!

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This reminds me of the question which weighs more a pound of feathers or a pound of lead. The quantity of heat required to raise the temperature of 1 gram of water by 1°C (1 K). CostcoCheese Pizza Serving Size 1/6 pizza (288.4 g) Amount of Calories Per Serving 805 of which 342 Calories are from Fat. It does not matter if it is hot fat or cold fat.

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A tangerine has more calories. It has 50 calories, and the clementine only has 35.

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Where is margarita island located?

Margarita Island is largest of 3 islands comprising the state of Nueva Esparta off NE Caribbean coast of Venezuela. Visit for a little more or look it up in Wikipedia!