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No. A cow only has one stomach with four chambers. No animal has three stomachs, nor any kind of multiple stomachs. All animals only have one stomach, but select species have one stomach with multiple chambers, like cows, sheep, llamas, deer and buffalo.

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Q: Does a cow have 3 stomachs?
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How many stomachs does a cow need?

Uh, stomachs have NO COWS!

How may stomachs does a cow how?


What is the holiday animal that has six stomachs and gives milk?

The animal you are referring to is a cow. Cows have four compartments in their stomachs, not six, and they produce milk which is commonly associated with holidays and celebrations.

What animal has 3 stomach?

The animal with three stomachs is the cow. Cow's stomachs consist of the rumen, reticulum, and omasum, which work together to digest the tough plant material that cows commonly eat.

Which is the ruminant having 3 chambered stomach?

A cow...but it's not actually multi-chambered they have 4 separate stomachs.

How many stomach for cow?

Cows have four stomachs

Is 1 out of 4 cow stomachs for the calf?

Nope!! NONE of the stomachs are for a calf to grow in! The calf is conceived and grows in the UTERUS or WOMB of the cow, not her stomach! A cow's stomach is for digesting the food she eats, not for growing a calf in.

Is there honey in one of the cow's stomachs?

The cow has no honey in their stomachs but instead have 'honey comb' like structures which aid in digestion i.e offering surface area for the digestion process.

What has the most stomachs?

Every cow has four stomachs, and I've never heard of any animal having more.

What two animals have four stomachs?

There are actually many animals that have four stomachs; two of the commonly known ones in the United States are cattle and bison.

What are two example sentences for the plural of stomach?

Cows have four stomachs. I'm not sure which of the cow's four stomachs I am calling from.

What animal has 7 stomachs?

No animal has 7 stomachs. Some animals like cows and sheep have multiple stomach compartments, but typically not more than four. Multiple stomachs help with the digestion of tough plant material.