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Iceberg lettuce actually doesn't have much nutrition at is mostly water. Greener lettuces, like romane lettuce, are packed with more vitamins and other important nutrients.

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Q: Does Iceberg Lettuce have more nutrition than other lettuces?
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Is iceberg lettuce bad or harmful to bunnies?

Well no it isn't. Bunnies like iceberg lettuce it isn't harmful nor bad they will enjoy itActually, iceberg lettuce is harmful for rabbits because it can lead to diarrhoea.All lettuce can lead to diarrhoea because it contains a chemical called Lactucarium; however, iceberg and other white or light-coloured lettuces have more of this chemical than dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown Romaine, Green leaf, Red leaf, etc). Also, iceberg has very little nutritional value for rabbits. For these two reasons, most experts advise avoiding iceberg entirely. Dark-coloured lettuces are healthy in moderation.There are many other foods your rabbit will enjoy that are safer to eat. If you want to give your bunny a treat, consider a bite of carrot or apple instead of iceberg lettuce.See the related question below for more information and helpful links about a healthy rabbit diet.

What will happen if you fed your guinea pig iceberg lettuce?

Feeding iceberg lettuce to guinea pigs is not recommended as it has very low nutritional value and can cause digestive issues such as diarrhea. It is better to offer a variety of other leafy greens and vegetables that are more nutritious and safer for your guinea pig to eat.

Do toads eat lettuces?

Frogs eat smaller insects and plants. Lettuce is a plant, so if a frog is near lettuce and has no other food, it may eat it.

What kinds of lettuce can rabbits not eat?

Just like humans, different rabbits have different taste preferences. The only way to know what type of foods one rabbit prefers is to observe her reactions when you feed it to her. Not all lettuces are healthy for rabbits. Avoid white/light-coloured varieties entirely (like iceberg and romaine hearts) because these are low in nutritional value for rabbits, and can lead to illness (like diarrhea). Dark-coloured lettuces (like fully-grown romaine, red leaf, green leaf) are healthy in moderation: they can be included in the rabbit's "salad" but they shouldn't be fed every day. See the related question below for more info about the rabbit diet.

How many cups of lettuce do you need every day?

There is very little nutrition in iceberg lettuce; you would do better to use spinach and other greens and vegetables in your salad. To prevent fatigue, hunger and loss of muscle, make sure you also include at least 3 oz. of protein each meal.

What do you think would happen if all lettuces died?

no one would be able to eat salad

What vegetable has the least nutritional value?

Iceberg lettuce is considered to have low nutritional value compared to other vegetables because it is primarily water and lacks significant amounts of vitamins and minerals.

How many total carbohydrates and calories in 1 cup lettuce?

It depends on the type of lettuce. For example, there are:1.7 carbohydrates in 1 cup of shredded iceberg lettuce6 calories in 1 cup of shredded iceberg lettuceFor other types of lettuce, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions..

Why can't rabbits eat lettuce?

Lettuces have a chemical in them called lactucarium. This causes diarrhea in rabbits. Also, lettuce has low nutritional value. Light-coloured lettuces have more lactucarium than dark-coloured lettuces, which is why light-coloured lettuces should be avoided -- they also have no nutritional value at all.Dark-coloured lettuces are high in vitamins and minerals that are good for rabbits, and they're relatively low in lactucarium, so dark-coloured lettuces (like green leaf, red leaf, Romaine -- but not the pale inside) are healthy for rabbits in moderate amounts: you can include them in your rabbit's "salad" rotation, but rabbits should NOT be given lettuce in any great amount and should not be given lettuce daily.Also, you should wash an vegetables you give your rabbit before you give them to it. Don't dry them after because the extra water is good for them.Other comments:Remember the story about Peter Rabbit and how when he got home from Mr. MacGregor's garden he was very sick.A good medium protein rabbit pellet has all the minerals, vitamins and nutrients necessary to raise healthy rabbits.

Can lettuce be stored below 5 degrees?

Lettuce retains quality and nutrition best if kept refrigerated. Minimally processed lettuce should be treated like any other potentially hazardous food and should be kept refrigerated.

How many calories are in spinach and lettuce?

The calories in spinach and lettuce depend on the amount of the spinach and lettuce, the type of lettuce, and whether you add any other ingredients or dressing. For the calorie content of plain spinach, and the calorie content of lettuces, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.Alternatively, please feel free to ask the question again and include more details.

How many calories in a head of iceberg lettuce?

The calories in an 8 oz tossed salad with iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, depends on the quantities of each individual ingredient and any dressing that you may have added. Please feel free to ask the question again and include more detail. Alternatively, for the calorie content of iceberg lettuce, tomatoes, and cucumbers, see the page links, further down this page, listed under Related Questions.