No, you will die.
You can get diabeties at any age.
Essiac tea is not recommended for pregnant or lactating women. Also people with kidney disease should not use essiac. The tea contains oxalic acid which can contribute to the formation of kidney stones.
nick Jonas has diabeties
I used essiac tea on my dog that had hemangiosarcoma and I used essiac tea. I really saw a difference in the quality of her life but it didn't really help as far as lengthening her life span. I would recommend it and I believe that you would be able to take it with prednisone but i would ask a vet or ask a person that deals with homeopathic remidies or homeopathic vet before you give your pet both.
Nick Jonas has had Diabeties for 4 years.
no he was not 13 when he got diabeties as you know he turned 16 on September 16th and he got diabeties 1 year ago when he was 15 he told ME!!!!!!!!
An ancient greek doctor, Areteus of Cappadocia, is credited with giving diabeties.
diabeties restricts waxing treatments because as the wax strip is pulled off if you start to bleed when you dont have diabeties then you are fine but if you do have diabeties and the skin starts to bleed it will take longer to stop bleeding because diabetic skin takes longer to heal than people without diabeties
Essiac tea is a type of herbal tea promoted as an alternative form of treatment for cancer, along with numerous other illnesses. It is composed of burdock, Indian rhubarb, sheep sorrel, and slippery elm bark.
if a person has diabeties why he again again become hungry