Dr. Oz has a weekend cleanse that is for 48 hours. You can find a list of ingredients and it supposed to clean your body inside and out. It can be done at home.
You can actually make the Dr. Oz colon cleanse yourself. The basic recipe can be found on his site at http://dr-oz-dieting-secrets.blogspot.com/2009/04/dr-oz-colon-cleanse-recipe.html
The Dr. Oz Weekend Cleanse is a weekend-long "cleanse" diet advocated by TV personality Dr. Oz. It involves eating whole grains, laxative foods, broths, and smoothies.
The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 Dr- Oz's 3-Day Energy Boosting Jumpstart Cleanse was released on: USA: 30 April 2013
The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 Dr- Oz's Swimsuit Cleanse Drop 5 Pounds in 5 Days was released on: USA: 3 May 2013
The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 The Detox Solution Dr- Oz's 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse 3-30 was released on: USA: 7 October 2011
The information on the Dr Oz colon cleanse can be found in two primary places. The first is through his television show. The second is on the internet through many websites.
The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 The Meditation Cleanse to Soothe Your Stress with Deepak Chopra was released on: USA: 1 May 2013
I have not spoken with anyone who has used this cleanse. I would recommend doing online research and consulting with your doctor prior to starting any cleanse.
The Dr- Oz Show - 2009 Dr- Oz Exclusive Man Claims to Heal with Prayer was released on: USA: 1 February 2011
Dr. Oz has recommended a brand of Resveratrol called Reserveage on his show, which is known for its high-quality supplements and commitment to purity.
I don't think or even beleive that it's just a one time thing. Because it keeps on working and cleaning later after the application.
Dr Oz'S 48-Hour Weekend Cleanse provides a list of meals and snacks for two days. Each part is constructed to help detoxify the liver, colon, and kidneys while keeping the body nourished unlike most fad detox diets.