Two drinks per day means two drinks every 24 hours. Theoretically, one could cheat by having two just before midnight, 2 just after, and abstaining for another 24 hours, but if things are to that point...
It doesn't matter it could be at one sitting or 2 different ones.
Yes, it should be zero drinks a day.
---- ---- == == * 1 January - New Year's Day (Public Holiday) * 2 to 25 January - Non sitting days * 26 January - Australia Day (Public Holiday) * 27 January to 2 February - Non sitting days Autumn session * 3 to 5 February - Both Chambers sit * 6 February - Non sitting day * 9 to 12 February - Both Chambers sit, Senate 2/3 Cut Off on Tuesday, 10 February * 16 to 20 February - Non sitting days * 23 to 26 February - House of Representatives sits, Senate Additional Estimates * 2 to 6 March - Non sitting days * 9 March - Canberra Day (Public Holiday) * 10 to 12 March - Both Chambers sit * 16 to 19 March - Both Chambers sit, Senate 2/3 Cut Off on Tuesday, 17 March * 20 March to 9 April - Non sitting days * 10 April - Good Friday (Public Holiday) * 13 April - Easter Monday (Public Holiday) * 14 April to 24 April - Non sitting days * 27 April - ANZAC day holiday (Public Holiday) * 28 April to 11 May - Non sitting days Winter (Budget) session * 12 May- Budget, Both Chambers sit * 13 to 14 May - Both Chambers sit, Senate 2/3 Cut Off Wednesday 13 May * 15 to 22 May - Non sitting days * 25 to 28 May - House of Representatives sits, Senate Budget Estimates * 29 May - Non sitting day * 1 to 4 June - House of Representatives sits, Senate Budget Estimates * 5 June - Non sitting day * 8 June - Queen's birthday (Public Holiday) * 9 to 12 June- Non sitting days * 15 to 18 June - Both Chambers sit * 19 June - Non sitting day * 22 to 25 June - Both Chambers sit, Senate 2/3 Cut Off on Tuesday 23 June * 26 June to 10 August - Non sitting days Spring session * 11 to 13 August - Both Chambers sit * 14 August - Non sitting day * 17 to 20 August - Both Chambers sit * 21 August - Non sitting day * 7 to 10 September - Both Chambers sit * 11 September - Non sitting day * 14 to 17 September - Both Chambers sit * 18 September to 16 October - Non sitting days * 19 to 22 October - House of Representatives sits, Senate Supplementary Budget Estimates * 26 to 29 October - Both Chambers sit * 30 October to 13 November - Non sitting days * 16 to 19 November - Both Chambers sit, Senate 2/3 Cut Off Thursday 19 November * 20 November - Non sitting day * 23 to 26 November -Both Chambers sit * 27 November to 24 December - Non sitting days * 25 December - Christmas Day * 26 December - Boxing Day * 27 to 31 December - Non sitting days
Greenday is another word for sitting around and smoking pot all day.
sell drinks and food both for 3 dollars each for 1 hour and 30 minutes
He probably likes you and is trying to get your attention by sitting by you every day.
My little sister drinks ensure a lot. You could gain or lose weight. It depends how much you drink each day. If you drink one every other day you could possibly lose weight. If you drink 2 a day like my sister it will be too much for your body and make you gain weight. So the answer to your question is both.
15.8 ounces
The average number of drinks drunk by an average thirst man is about 7, depending on if its a hot day or not.
Could be water, lucozade sport and other energy drinks.
a regular sized mule (4ft) drinks about 67 pounds of water a day the most any animal drinks