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Q: Do you have to eat before you make yourself throw up?
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What do you do to make your self bulimic?

It's easy, just make yourself throw up and watch the weight burn away. Drink allot of fluids before you throw up to make it easier. Saltwater works really well, and when you eat try to eat soft food like yogurt and bananas. Enjoy being thin.

Is better to eat before exercise?

No it can make you throw up, or feel lazy. Try not to eat any later than an hour before you exercise.

If you throw up after eating something because you feel to full but you don't throw up everything is that bad?

No, unless you make yourself eat until you're full all the time.

Can you eat spoiled chicken?

try to throw it up by drinking salt water or gagging yourself

How do you loose 30 pounds if your a 12 year old girl?

Don't eat for about a week, if you have to eat, just throw it up! The pounds will melt away! First of all, starving yourself is rediculous and please do not make yourself throw up your food after you eat because that becomes a desease called belimia another word for it is called anerexic which is very bad so dont make yourself throwup please you can really die from this deasese this is not a joke im just improving this answer.

What does eat yourself before somebody eat you?

Marketing methods

When should you eat before competition?

You should not eat right before a competition becuase you may feel nervous and throw up. You should at least eat 30min. before a competition

Can you make yourself throw up?

Yes you can make yourself throw up. This unhealthy diet style is called bulimia. It is when you binge eat then purge./ you can put your finger in the back off your neck and u will throw up.

Why is it unwise to eat before excercising?

because when you eat before exercise , it may cause you to throw up . you will not burn fat , you are INCREASING your motabolism .

How can you pretend your sick?

eat something bad and make yourself throw up chew up some popcorn or somthing and put it in a toilet or somthing and say i thro=ew up

What do you do if your dog swallowed stuffing from a pillow?

make him throw up and then eat

How can you make yourself to be shemale?

Eat your penis