Those are probably hookworms or whipworms. Take your puppy to the vet asap. The worms eat all the food the puppy takes in, and he gets no nutrition.
it helps put nutrition into your plant or vegetable
Yes. If they've had worms taking nutrition out of there body, then got treated, the only way to dispose of the dead worms naturally is to poop the dead worms out, since they are now detached from the intestine.
Round worms are heterotrophic, obtaining their nutrition by feeding on organic matter in their environment. Plasmodium is a parasitic protist that obtains its nutrition by feeding on the blood of its host organism.
Don't try drinking toxic substances to kill your intestinal worms; see your doctor and get a prescription for the correct medicine that will kill the worms without also killing yourself. I found some information which may help you make a more informed decision regarding the treatment of intestinal worms. Try this site ....
Yes, but worms don't provide much nutritional value. If you were feeding a garter snake worms you should dust the worm with a supplement prior to feeding, from a reptile or pet store.
Good worms to feed to your bearded dragons are super worms. NEVER never never feed them wax worms, meal worms, or any other kind because these worms have hard exoskeletons, which could get lodged in the lizards throat and choke it. Many people have lost their beardies to this. Super worms are good in nutrition, but keep it as a rare treat for them. Just stick to feeding your beardie crickets and different veggies.
Worms usually live and like to live in moist sand as they can easily take nutrition from moist easy to consume moist soil.They will also breed in moist soil but it should neither be too much wet nor too dry as they will not be able to consume it and will eventually die due to lack of nutrition.
Jacqueline Cheptepkeny Korir has written: 'Diet of worms' -- subject(s): Food service, Prisoners, Prisons, Nutrition
That's one cause. The best answer would come from a visit by an equine veterinarian.
Flatworms such as tape worms and flukes, and roundworms such as trichinosis-causing worms, filarial worms, ascarid worms and hook worms.
Meal-worms are actually beetle grubs - NOT worms.