Neither. Lynx may eat a dead cow, very highly likely a pig that is already dead, but won't mess with a live pig or even a live cow. Lynxes prefer to go after rabbits and hares over much larger more ferocious prey items. (Pigs barely even have predators anyway...)
The difference between feeding cows, pigs and goats is the type of food they eat. Pigs will eat almost anything in addition to their feed. Cows and goats will graze and also eat feed.
Wolves eat lynxes. Wolves are bigger than lynxes. But lynxes makes no part of the wolves' menu.
cows, chickens, fish, pigs, etc
pigs / humans / cows / chickens
No. Pigs come from pigs, not cows.
Pigs and cows are not the same animal at all. Pigs are much smaller than cows and they are omnivores instead of herbivores. They don't have a furry coat and they have tightly curled tails. Cows or cattle are large herbivores with furry coats and long tails that have a tassel at the end. Cattle can also have horns in some breeds.
Some cats, not domestic cats, but lions, tigers, lynxes, and other types of wildlife of the forest...
They eat pork, lamb, beef, pigs, cows and lots of other meats.
they eat sugar cane, milk and beef from cows, also pork from pigs
Pigs like to root up the pasture that cows need to graze. Pigs are not grazers like cows are, they are diggers or rooters. If pigs are allowed to destroy the pasture that the cattle are on, then there will be little to no pasture left for those cows to eat from. Besides, if the pigs aren't used to the cows and vice versa, there may be a bit of a scuffle every now and then, resulting in injury to both parties.
well it all started when the pigs eat the cows.