Push ups build muscle strength and size This new muscle growth gets energy from fat High intensity interval cardio lie skipping/jump rope burns and reduces fat 1000 jumps daily and you will have a great body.
There are no specific pieces of exercise equipment for reducing belly fat. You will have to consume less calories and exercise in order to lose fat. Equipment that burns the most calories will aid in this. Cardio workouts are useful for helping with this.
Possibility of breaking the rope and heading towards their death at the bottom of the site?
Belly Dance is a form of exercise, Which can help for burns 250-300 calories per hour. It can strength your cardiovascular system and improve your stamina. So belly dance is a healthy way of reducing fat. thedancersworld.com
The Belly Fat Cure is a low-carbohydrate diet designed to reduce abdominal fat. Jorge Cruise, creator of the diet, says that The Belly Fat Cure works by balancing dieters� insulin levels. When you eat simple carbohydrates, your blood glucose levels spike. This forces your pancreas to release large amounts of insulin. Insulin is responsible for processing glucose to be used as energy or stored as fat around the waistline. Avoiding simple carbohydrates will keep you from storing additional belly fat. In fact, this diet will help you burn belly fat and reduce your waistline.
any excercise will help you lose the belly fat. drink lots of water too, it will help you drop weight really quickly. just make sure that you stay hydrated. do crunches, pushups, jump rope, ect. i play softball and that's what we do, and it really helps too stay in shape
DO SIT-UPS BURN BELLY FATIn addition to the answer given beneath this one, for more in-depth information about the best ways to lose belly fat, what foods to eat and what foods to avoid, how to stop the fat from returning, and for the free charts, plans, lists, and exercises to enable you to achieve your goal, see the related questions and answers given below.HOW TO LOSE BELLY FATEXERCISES TO BURN BELLY FAT
Short of liposuction there's no way of targeting where to lose fat. And with todays foods it's so easy to overeat that unless you're controlling your diet exercise alone won't get rid of any fat. And finally it's all down to how much there is to lose.
ride a bike because u go faster and u burn more calories
Jogging Walking Stretching Jump roping Hula Hooping Swimming Eating salads,fruits and rice!
how can i get belly fat off with out making it obivous