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Horses do need it, but not all the time. They only need it for minerals there body take in as a natural resource for a healthy immune system.

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Q: Do horses need salt block
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Can horses eat regular salt instead of a salt block?

Yes, horses can consume regular salt in their feed instead of using a salt block. However, providing a salt block allows horses to self-regulate their salt intake as needed. Make sure the salt is plain and not a mineral mix containing additives like iodine, which can be harmful in high doses.

How do you give a horse minerals on Howrse?

To give your horses a salt block you have to find one in the box then click on Salt Block.

Should horses eat cow salt?

Cows are easily able to lick enough salt from a block to sustain them long term. Horses lack the ability to lick enough salt from a salt block, so most do better with loose salt. However, the ingredient (salt) in a horse salt vs. a cow salt is the same. Mineral blocks and loose mineral is different for cows and horses. Cows and horses have different mineral needs, but their requirement for salt is similar. Yes. Salt blocks are standard for both cows and horses: there really is no discretion as to whether a particular block is better for horses than cows or vice versa.

Can you feed sulfur salt to horses?

yes, works good in the yellow salt block

What does salt licks mean?

Salt licks are a block made of salt usually used for horses and livestock.

What and how a horse eats?

Horses eat grass and plants. A horse's owner usually feeds his/her horses a mixture of grass a legumes which is called hay. Hay is an important part of a horse's diet. Some owners feed maize, also known as grain. But there are many types of grains you can buy to feed your horse, and it really depends on what your horse needs. If you don't know, you could ask your vet. Carrots, Apples, Pears, and many fruits are given to horses as a treat. Horses will eat many kinds of fruit, but not all horses like these. Horses drink alot of water, so they need a high amount of salt in their diets. Owners usually leave a block of salt in their horse's stall/pasture/round pen so their horse can lick and get the amount of salt they need throughout the day. Many call this "block of salt" a salt lick or a salt block. They come in many sizes.

Why do sheep need a salt block?

Horses need all the help they can get to retain salts and minerals in their bodies. This is particularly true in hot countries or in conditions where the horse is likely to sweat a lot. Just like humans when horses sewat they lose salt and it is important to keep a healthy balance. By providing salt blocks it enables horses to re-salinate their bodies when they know they need it - and they will do just that.

If you are lacking minerals what could you to help add more minerals to your horses diet?

Put out a mineral block (looks like salt block but brown) or mix a mineral supplement in with your horses grain.

How do you make salt in to a salt block?

You mean how to make loose-salt into a salt block. The fact is that it is cheaper to buy the pre-made blocks. The homemade recipes for salt blocks call for things such as bone meal which is not good for horses and many other types of livestock.

What is the difference between a cattle salt lick and an equine salt lick?

There is no difference, really. The salt licks that are given to cattle are the same ones that are given to horses. Horses may get a smaller salt block, but other than that, the mineral content is all the same.

Horses that frequently exercise need what?

calories and salt

Horses that are frequently exercised need what in their diet?
