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Yes. A lot of the legume plants that they eat have flowers--clover, alfalfa, sanfoin, etc--thus it isn't all that uncommon for a cow to eat a bunch of flowers in addition to the grass they graze.

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Q: Do cows eat flowers
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What animals eat flowers other then rabbits?

Yes. Birds, sheep any animal that eats foliage (herbivore or omnivore) will eat edible flowers.

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Bees eat flowers. Bears do not typically eat bees, but they may eat honey produced by bees which is collected from flowers.

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What do cows eat outside?

cows eat grass

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They are both pretty!

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Probably has something to do with cows. Almost everything has to do with cows in the pampa.

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Cows don't eat animals, they eat grass they are herbivores.

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Loins only eat cows sometimes.