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Q: Considering a food's glycemic index is more important than considering the glycemic load?
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What are examples of low glycemic foods?

There are many foods that can be considered "low glycemic foods" but it is best to locate a glycemic index. Some of the more common (and popular) low glycemic foods include cherries, grapefruit, broccoli, lettuce, mushrooms, egg fettuccini, sourdough bread, chickpeas, kidney beans, and lentils.

How do low glycemic foods help your health?

Low glycemic index foods have a lot of nutrition but not a lot of sugar that will increase your blood glucose.

Does Foods containing high amounts of refined sugars have a low glycemic index?

No. Foods with high refined sugar amounts have a high glycemic index.

What can the study of foods lead to in the food industry?

well considering the acrobatics a mechanical enginering the study would have to be dealing with exotic foods and normal food to.

What foods best for pugs?

Considering they have sensative stomachs, they should be fed the more high quality brands such as iams.

What should those considering homeopathic remedies for iron supplementation do?

Those considering homeopathic remedies should consult a physician for possible interactions (foods, medications, aromatic compounds, other environmental elements) that could effect treatment.

What does glycemic index measure?

The Glycemic Index is a measure of how quickly carbohydrates in the foods you eat are absorbed into the bloodstream and raise your blood sugar levels. Pure glucose (sugar) has a Glycemic Index of 100, and other foods are given their Glycemic Index ratings accordingly. Eating foods with low Glycemic Indices can help lower blood sugar, resulting in weight loss and lowered risk of diabetes and heart disease.

Can eating low glycemic foods help me lose weight?

Eating low glycemic foods will definitely help you to lose weight. The sugar in foods, be in natural or artificial, significantly adds to fat storage.

What are some examples of low glycemic index foods?

Some examples of low glycemic index foods are any kind of fruit, canned foods, pure unsweetened fruit juices, vegetables, salads, and bottled salad dressings.

Is it bad to put salt on bread?

Yes, this increases your sodium intake, which is very bad considering how much sodium is in our every day foods.

Do High glycemic foods provide energy at a slower rate?

no, faster.

Glycemic impact diet recipes: A brief outline?

The glycemic diet involves the consumption of foods that contain low levels of glycemic. On a scale of one to one hundred, low glycemic foods score below than fifty five. Foods that comprise of carbohydrates which easily break down quickly get a higher glycemic rating. The foods that contain low glycemic levels are usually healthier and recommended especially for those suffering from diabetes.Since the low glycemic foods have a progressive effect on the level of blood sugar, they are perfect for those suffering from hypoglycemia, obesity and diabetes. Obesity has become a menace in the United States and hence a lot of focus is being laid on the low glycemic kind of foods. Even the World Health Organization is advising people to consume this kind of foods.The types of low glycemic foodsMany product labels are providing listings of the GI scores. However, it is quite easy to identify foods that have got low glycemic levels. Usually, the foods that contain low levels of carbohydrates and simple kind of sugars form part of the glycemic foods recipe. Some good examples of such foods are inclusive of broccoli, cucumber, green beans, cherries, peppers, grapefruit, eggplant, soymilk, peanuts, tomatoes, barley, celery, all fruits, all vegetables and lima beans.The impactGenerally, people will have a different response to foods that contain low glycemic. This discrepancy can be attributed to the fact that there is a difference of the rate of metabolism of each individual. Other factors also come in to play such as one's age, activity rate and insulin levels. As much as the low glycemic foods release glucose slowly in to the blood, the stability of the carbohydrate breakdown is not quite consistent. Some of the factors that have an impact on the glycemic value in the food are inclusive of protein and fat content, the level of food processing done and the particular carbohydrate structure. When one eats a wide variety of foods in one sitting, the foods glycemic levels can be affected. This leads to a different reaction of a food consumed independently as compared to one that is eaten alongside others. Loosing weight is made easier while consuming foods that belong to the glycemic recipe.