Honey is a food. For thousands of years man has collected honey, and until the advent of processed sugar from sugar cane or sugar beet, honey was the only way to sweeten food and drink, and many people still use it for sweetening.
Honey is mainly sugar, and can be used to sweeten anything you would otherwise use sugar for.
Sugar Honey Treacle Maple Syrup Corn Syrup brown sugar
they used raw (coarse) sugar and raw honey, syrup and treacle.
lemon, honey and sugar
Not usually, although some people use honey as an alternative to sugar.
No, bumblebees do not produce honey. Honey is produced by honey bees from the nectar of flowers. Bumblebees typically use nectar as a food source for themselves or their colonies.
you can use a home remdy just as oatmeal and honey or use a lemon and sugar
I'd use honey instead.