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No, the Master Cleanse strictly consists of drinking the lemonade drink with the maple syrup and cayenne pepper. But make sure you do your research before doing the cleanse! Many people who have done the cleanse will tell you that they have seen many benefits (health and/or appearance wise) but there is a lot of research out there that tells you that it does more harm to your body than good.

I personally did the Master Cleanse for 10 days last year and truthfully did not see a lot of benefits health-wise. I definitely lost quite a few pounds but that's expected when you live off only lemonade for 10 days! I went back to eating as usual and gained it all back, and then some.

Make sure you do your research and consult a doctor/physician before going through with such a drastic system! Good luck :)

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I did and still lost loads of weight.

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What did beyonce eat while on master cleanse diet?

vegatbles This is not true, the Master Cleanse Diet is only drinking the lemonade. No foods at all. Just the juice..

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the answer is no you cannot die from a master cleanse

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It is not recommended that children do a master cleanse. Adults shouldn't even do a master cleanse unless it is absolutely necessary for their health.

Can I exercise during the Master Cleanse diet?

It is recommended that while you are on the Master Cleanse diet you do not do intense Cardio workouts. Some basic lifting or normal exercise will be great but nothing to extreme is recommended.

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ys there is no problems of eating healty foods at all

Where can I find info on master cleanse diet online?

The master cleanse diet is a form of fasting, where you consume large amounts of juice. More information on the Master Cleanse Diet can be found on the Wikipedia website.

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Migraine may be a side effect of a cleanse.

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Can you exercise while doing the master cleanse?

It is best not to exercise while doing the Master Cleanse unless you consult with your doctor. You will not have the nutrition going into your body that you normally do, and you will likely feel tired and weak if you attempt exercise.

Can you take vitamins when doing the Master cleanse?

No. It slows down the cleanse. Alot of vitamins require you to eat something before you take it. There are very few that may be OK to take while on the cleanse. But, better safe than sorry, don't take them.

Does assure detox clean it in 1 day?

depends on how often you smoke. if you smoke only occasionally you should be able to cleanse it easily but if you smoke daily or more its gonna be much harder to cleanse.

What are the release dates for Master Cleanse - 2010 1-1?

Master Cleanse - 2010 1-1 was released on: USA: 24 April 2010