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Probably, but check with your pharmacist

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Q: Can you mix azithromycin and sublingual b complex with b12?
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Is it ok to mix sulfameth and azithromycin?

Yes. I have and I've had no adverse affects.

Can diclofenac and B6 B12 mix together in one injection?

You don't have to worry, Diclofenac, B6 and B12 do not interact with eachother.

Can you mix cetirizine with azithromycin?

Interactions between your selected drugsThere were no interactions found in our database between azithromycin/trovafloxacin and Claritin-D 12 HourHowever, this does not necessarily mean no interactions exist. ALWAYS consult with your doctor or pharmacistIbuprofen was recommended for me to take with Azithromycin for strep throat.

Can you mix azithromycin and Benadryl?

The short answer is yes. I was prescribed Azithromycin for a sinus infection. I felt that the medication was not working. So I called Walgreens and spoke with the pharmacist who stated that I can take both Benadryl with the Azithromycin 250mg. The best thing to do is to contact your local Pharmacist and tell him/her everything you are taking. Please remember that both drugs have a drowsiness effect. Therefore, I would only recommend taking one Benadryl with the Azithromycin. If you are in doubt, contact your primary care physician and the pharmacist.

Can you mix metformin and glyburide with azithromycin?

Yes, these are safe to take together. There are no known interactions between this antibiotic and your diabetes medicines. Remember to take all the azithromycin even after you start feeling better. You want to kill all the bacteria and not leave any hiding in your body!

Can you mix Azithromycin and dairy foods?

No, azithromycin should not be taken with milk because of the calcium content. It should also be separated from antacids like Tums, Rolaids, and Maalox, and multivitamins by at least 2 hours on either side of taking the antibiotic. Azithromycin can chelate (interact with) with calcium and other metal ions in your body and it will not be absorbed.

Can b12 vitamins mix well with adderall?

I give my son 20 mg Adderall XR every day with B12 every other day ( alternate days are just a multivitamin) I have seen very good results with this. He is more focused and calm...we went one week without the b12 and it was chaos....when he went back on, he was successful! I spoke to his peditrician who okayed this.

Can I mix azithromycin and orange juice?

From what I was told by my pharmacist, it should be ok to mix it with some juices and gatorade but you must avoid mixing it with any dairy or protein shakes as that can cause the drug to not work. Something to do with the calcium and magnesium negatively interacting with the antibiotic.

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Can you mix Adderall and a z-pack?

If a doctor knew you were on Adderall and gave you is ok to take it. One is for ADD and the other is for an infection. If you are thinking of mixing the 2 drugs fopr any other purpose...please don't!!

How do they get the vitamin B12 into Marmite?

If you want to know the details of the process... sorry, I can't find that. I do note that the producers of Marmite list B12 as a separate ingredient, meaning they specifically add it as opposed to it being a normal part of the "yeast extract."At a guess, it's produced by bacterial fermentation from some bacterial species that produces it naturally... something like Streptomyces griseus, Pseudomonas denitrificans, or Propioniibacterium shermanii. S. griseus was at one time thought to be a type of yeast, but it's now known that no animals nor plants, including yeast, are capable of making Vitamin B12. Only bacteria, which are neither animals nor plants (but are still considered "vegan" food sources), can do this.Complicating this a bit is that some plants are capable of producing compounds that are similar enough to vitamin B12 that they actually test positive on the common B12 test, but these compounds are not biologically active... they're not "really" vitamin B12, they're just similar enough to fool the test.Marmite adds supplemental B12 presumably because they realize this. B12 is produced by bacteria that live in the intestinal tract of animals, so there's B12 in meat, but vegans have a real hard time getting enough B12. They have an easy time getting B6, and that can help mask the B12 deficiency to some extent, but there's a significant risk of mental/neurological deficiencies if they don't get B12 from somewhere.