

Best Answer

The only way to target where to lose fat, is with Liposuction. With a diet, any diet, you will lose a little at a time all over. Diet pills aren't such a hot idea. What's making you fat is your average lifestyle, and to get the weight to stay off that's what you have to change. You can't spend the rest of your life nibbling diet pills to control your weight.

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Q: Can you lose belly fat without diet pills?
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How do you lose belly fat without changing your diet?

exerxise or take diet pills

Can you lose belly fat without dieting?

The only way to target where to lose fat, is with Liposuction. With a diet, any diet, you will lose a little at a time all over. Diet pills aren't such a hot idea. What's making you fat is your average lifestyle, and to get the weight to stay off that's what you have to change. You can't spend the rest of your life nibbling diet pills to control your weight.

How do you lose weight faster and get better results without pills?

Try a certain diet, maybe scarsdale diet.

What is the eaziest way to lose belly fat without even exersing?

Diet ..... But without exercise you won't get promising results.

How do you lose belly fat in days without diet?

You can make yourself throw up, then brush your teeth afterwards

What is a supplementary diet?

it is where you take diet pills to lose weight. which is also called "dietary supplement pills."

Can you lose belly fat taking relicore pills?

Yes, apparently you can lose belly fat by taking Relacore pills. The pills work by elevating your mood and helps to fight stress-related weight gain around the stomach area.

How do you lose weight without diet plans or diet pills?

The best way to lose weight without a diet plan or pills is to eliminate sugar as much as possible and drink plenty of water. To be aware of what has sugar in it, look at the nutrition labels of the foods you eat. The grams of sugar per serving should be listed. Shoot for 15g per day or less.

How do you lose belly flab without surgery and pills?

Enroll in a gym and start working out. Avoid junk food and excessive calories. Start walking...

Is it safe to take diet pills if you have low thyroid and are taking high blood pressure pills?

Its never a good idea to take diet pills to lose weight. Most of diet pills are not FDA approved. Also weight loss with help of such pills is not long lasting. Try sticking to exercise and a healthy diet to lose weight gradually.

Is there a pill to lose weight?

Diet Pills are constantly advertised. But honestly, it is better not to take them. Diet pills can cause Heart Attacks.

Is diet pills okay for a 13 year old?

no diet pills, because it can kill you.. i suggest you should just lose weight naturally.... :)