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Q: Can you grow without eating healthy?
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How you can grow?

You grow by eating healthy and moving around. Have your fruits five times an day.

How do you grow taler eating healthy?

People that eat healthy grow taller than they usually would, because of less strain on the spine

What makes you grow?

eating healthy food, plenty of sleep, exercise.

How do you grow big fat flaby arms?

by not eating very healthy!

What helps kids grow?

Children can grow physically as well as mentally when they eat healthy food. A good healthy eating habit will keep them healthy when they grow adult. Healthy Food for Growing Kids Stone Bridge Academy Preschool McKinney

How can you grow in height faster?

by eating alot of healthy food, sleep enough, and exercise.

Why does a plant need the sun to grow?

becasue without it plants cant grow to be healthy

How can your breast be bigger without pills and creams?

You eating healthy foods

Can i grow taller without eating fish?

Yes, fish does not HAVE to be part of your diet to grow tall.

Why is eating healthy so important?

Eating balanced diet is important to live a healthy life. There is an old saying that "health is Wealth" without a good eating habit you can't achieve a healthy life.

How can I fill myself up without eating?

its not healthy to not eat but there are meal shakes

When should you start practicing eating healthy?

You should eat a healthy diet your entire life. A child's parents are responsible for instilling healthy eating habits right from the start. If you didn't grow up eating a healthy diet, now is a good time to start. The sooner you start, the sooner it will become a way of life for you.