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i don't recommend it, your body will be very weak the first 3 days since it is adjusting to not the first 3 days u should take it easy. After though you could do a light jog but that should be it. Chances are that you will probably pass out ( if u do any hardcore exercises). So basically light runs maybe but no more than that.

Source- Common Sense

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Q: Can you exercise while water fasting?
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How much water can I drink while fasting?

as much as you can with stand

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Did Jesus drank water while fasting?

Of course. Check your Bible. It says He hungered. Not He hungered and thirsted. But keep in its not possible to go so long without water. Most people are dead after about 3-5. 40? I don't think so. Not without His Father's intervention.

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U can not eat nothing while fasting no water no food no nothing!

Can you drink wnter when you are fasting?

True fasting does not include anything, even water. If you are fasting for a blood test or before surgery, you should not eat or drink anything at all. If you're fasting for religious reasons, water should be fine but double check with your religious leader to be certain. Different religions have different rules.

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Anything that enters the human body while you are fasting breaks your fast.

Can we gusul while fasting in islam?

Of course you can. You have to make ghusl (if ghusl is necessary for purification) in order to pray. Fasting does not change that. And fasting without praying is useless. So you must make ghusl (being careful not to take the water into the back of the throat).

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No..cuz you drink water with the pill..nd ur fast will be excused by allah..

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Yes, of course. urinating doesn't break fasting.