Pickles never go bad so you can eat them if they are three days or three years old.
A three-month-old baby should eat about 6-8 times a day to ensure proper nutrition and growth.
If you keep them in the fridge, eggs usually last up to a month so a ten day old egg is fine to cook with.
If it has been in the fridge, yes. It would be like eating four day old egg salad, and we all see that in vending machines at work!
2 times.
A three-month-old baby typically eats about 6-8 times a day, with feedings spaced out every 2-4 hours.
I'm pretty sure you can never be too old for eggs. People who are in their 80's still eat eggs.
No person should have eggs more than three to four times per week because of the high cholesterol. This would apply to both an 11-year old and an adult.
yes you can get food poisoning from eating old eggs. You should never eat eggs beyond the expiration date on the package.
eat them...
Yes, but only if they have been kept at room temperature. If you re-chill the eggs, they will get cold, and cold eggs are terrible.
A 3 day old hot dog should be safe to eat if it's been refrigerated.