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you can, but it wouldn't be a good idea b/c you would be missing out on certain nutrients. everything in moderation is best. =)

if you are having problems with solid food though, it can be very helpful for a while.

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Q: Can you drink ensure for all your meals?
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A diet is either: The sum and contents of your meals and all that you eat and drink; or: your program of what to eat and/or not to eat.

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Almost all drinks are vegetarian, so an individual can drink whatever they wish with a meal, from water to juice to soda to alcohol to sports drinks to seltzer and so on.

Is slimfast okay for teenagers?

yes it is just a meal supplement with different vitamins and stuff. I am 14 and i drink slimfast (no I'm not fat). though do not drink this for all of your meals because it could be dangerous

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The Romans drank wine with their meals.

Why people usually say don't drink water after you take meals?

You can drink warm water after meals but not too much or else you will feel very full and your stomach will hurt. People say not to drink *cold water* after a meal because this results to cancer!

In what year did Ensure nutrition drink first come on the market?

Ensure nutrition drink was first introduced to the market in 1973.