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Any activity will promote some sort of muscle development.

But if you pick exercises with low loads and lots of repetitions - basically aerobic, cardio exercises like treadmill, ellipticals, bicycling, running, swimming etc you get the biggest amount of fat/calories being used with the least amount of muscle development.

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Q: Can you burn fat or does it just turn to muscle?
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How can you burn fat around your ankles?

Workout just like you normallw would! Muscle will burn fat.

Will using a treadmill burn leg fat?

Technically, yes. You will burn the fat that is marbled into the muscle that provides energy for the muscle to burn. But the fat that we can see, subcutaneous fat, will not be affected.

Do fat burning supplements burn fat or also muscle?

when you burn off fat you will always burn of muscle too, but if you diet and exercise correctly you muscle burn off will be minimal. The fat burning supplements don't actually burn off fat, they just increase you metabolism

Will distilled water change fat into muscle?

No, fat cannot turn into muscle and muscle cannot turn into fat.

If you stop working out then is this muscle going to turn to fat?

NO! your muscle does not turn into fat it just replaces it as you work out. the toning and mass of your muscle will decrease though witch will make your muscle "shrink" even if you dont work out extensivly you still need to do some kind of physical activity to maintain the muscle you have gained.

What rate does muscle turn to fat without exercise?

Muscle does not turn to fat.

What are the best exercises for people that are overweight that want to burn fat?

Doing exercises that work multiple muscle groups at once can really help to burn more fat in a shorter period of time, and this will in turn help people who are overweight to burn more fat.

Without exercise how long does it take muscle to turn to fat?

Muscles may shrink, and you may accumulate fat reserves if you consume and store more than you burn off, but those are two different processes.Muscles do not turn into fat. To learn more about this, search for [ protein turnover ].

Does doing sit ups before burning stomach fat build muscle around the fat making it a lot more difficult to burn later?

When building muscle, you are just making the muscle fibers stronger and bigger, they arnt multiplying. The amount of muscle mass you have does not matter how difficult it is to burn fat. Fat is fat. Muscle is muscle. The more fat you have, the longer it will take to burn that off. Another thing, fat is generally burned off all around the body, not just in a concentrated area such as the stomach. If you are trying to burn off stomach fat, intense running will work better than doing situps. And if you are trying to get your abs stronger/harder, do situps using a weight to decroease the amount of time it will take

I weigh 120lb. is it ok to lose muscle and fat?

You don't want to lose healthy muscle tissue , idealy you want to lose fat and replace it with muscle. If you just cut back on food and don't burn any fat the scale may show a loss but that won't be fat that you have lost. You don't want to lose healthy muscle tissue , idealy you want to lose fat and replace it with muscle. If you just cut back on food and don't burn any fat the scale may show a loss but that won't be fat that you have lost.

To lose fat is it better to build muscle or run?

Of course build more muscle , because when you have more muscle in the body , help burn about 50% more body fat , that you are burn. :-) .

Why doesn't fat turn to muscle or muscle turn to fat?

They are different tissues. Bones don't turn into livers and lead doesn't turn into gold.