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Your large muscles normally burn some fat. I have no Idea what you mean by muscle workouts. Continuous exercise is better than just short bursts of exercise. Both can build muscles.

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Q: Can running after a few months of eating right and doing muscle workouts to gain muscle make you lose fat and not muscle?
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I have anorexia and am almost at a healthy weight with 4 pounds left to gain. I feel pretty comfortable at where I am right now but will I look much different when I put the last 4 pounds on?

No, you won't look very much different, especially if the last 4 pounds are muscle. To gain muscle, try doing strength workouts. DO NOT do cardiovascular workouts (like running) if you are trying to gain weight.

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Well if you are skinny and you have a diet, that is kind of un-reasonable. But eating healthy is vital to putting on muscle. Just do alot of core exercise.

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The absolute best back muscle exercise is the Wide Grip Pull ups. You can do these often, but make sure, in addition to the workout, you are eating the right foods, and make sure you have your nutrition immediately after working out.

Is it normal for a person particularly male who does strength training or workout and eat a good diet to gain muscle and at the same time gain fat at the first few months of training?

If you are NOT experiencing fat gains you are most likely not eating enough to support muscle growth. When gaining muscle to have to have excess calories in your diet. These calories are used to repair muscles and create larger muscle cells. These excess calories should come from a balance of carbs, proteins, and fats. however when gaining muscle your body cannot use EVERY calorie towards muscle gain so some will be stored as fat. I myself am on a "bulking stage" and i eat everything in sight, besides sweets. I eat anywhere from 3200-4000 calories a day. Make sure to have a high carb/ high protein shake after workouts to speed recovery between workouts :).

What body changes occur in a bear to allow it to sleep for weeks or months without eating?

The bear when asleep the stomach eats the fat an the muscle of the bear so it can go months with out food.

Im 20 yrs old 5'9 170 lbs want to lose fat and gain muscle back how does this sound muscle milk before bed and as a breakfast ethylester creatine before workouts optimum whey after workouts?

You will likely gain weight but the type of exercise will determine whether you gain muscle and where.

How do i become thick?

To build muscle and gain mass, focus on resistance training exercises like squats, deadlifts, and bench presses to help increase muscle size. Along with regular strength training, consume enough calories to support muscle growth and ensure you are eating enough protein. Be patient and consistent with your workouts and nutrition to see results over time.

What type of tissue makes up the ''meat'' of the chicken?

It depends upon the parts that you eat. If you are eating part of the carcass, you are eating skeletal muscle. If you are eating chicken gizzards, you are eating mostly smooth muscle. If you are eating chicken hearts, you are eating cardiac muscle.