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You can give a horse beer, but it is bad for them. Many racehorse trainers give horses beer believing in many of the old wives tales about it. Some rumors are that beer increases a horses appetite, makes them sweat more et cetera. However there are horse specific products on the market that do those things and are proven to work. Beer is classed as a stimulant by many riding associations and when a horse is drug tested, beer will show up and the horse will be disqualified for having a stimulant in it's system. Also horses cannot burp or throw up and the carbonation in beer can cause painful gas build up that may require veterinarian attention.

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I assume by cold one you mean a beer. Although beer has been used for generations in racehorses it is not good for them in any way. Beer is carbonated and since horses cannot throw up and many cannot burp either, gas can build up and cause gas colic. Also, even though the amount of alcohol is limited it will show up on a drug test and be categorized as a stimulant in a show horses, which will cause the horse to be stripped of it's win and the humans involved to be fined for drugging the horse. Many people believe that beer will give the horse a shiny coat or some other health benefit, this is false. What causes this is the grains used to make the beer, such as barley hops.

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