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no they can not hamsters can eat mostly anything apart from chocolate which melts in their pouches and citrus which gives them tummy aches. the only chocolate that they can eat is the special chocolate you can get for hamsters. hope i have helped xx

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Q: Can hamsters and humans go on the same diet?
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Do hamsters need vitamin C?

Yes, hamsters cannot produce their own vitamin C and require it in their diet. Fresh fruits and vegetables such as bell peppers, broccoli, and strawberries can provide hamsters with the necessary vitamin C to stay healthy. Commercial hamster food may also be fortified with vitamin C.

Are zhu zhu hamsters the same as go go hamsters?

Yes, they are. As far as I know it was Go Go but then they changed their brand name.

How do you get your hamsters pregnant on hamsters ds?

keep putting her and the male in the same cage and then go to the pet shop and go on chat with the shopkeepers and they will tell you if she is pregnant

Can hamsters puke?

no hamsters can not puke due to there small size and they don't catch bugs and sicknesses like humans,dogs and cats because they don't go outside often

Do hamsters go through puberty?

Yes hamsters do

How do you say i have two hamsters?

"I have two hamsters" there you go, have fun!

Ways humans and hamsters are the same?

a hamster is just like a bear, its just smaller, hamsters are originally from the wild just like bears, they even have hamsters that are called teddy bear hamsters and black bear hamsters, so when you go to a pet store look really close at a hamster then think of a bear and realize that they do look alike. hamsters have tails like bears and look like bears but they're just smaller. bears are like hamsters cousins and hamsters are like bears cousins. hope this helped!

What hamsters have babies the fastest?

All hamsters are pregnant the same time, or close enough to make no difference. Actually, Syrian hamsters have the quickest gestation period, at about 16 days. Dwarf hamsters are a little bit longer at about 18 days, but they can also go as long as 22 days. Hope i helped.

Do hamsters go in to hipernation?


What other hamsters can go with Asian dwarf hamsters?

Only if it is a dwarf with a dwarf

How do you go to your mazin hamster on webkinz?

You don't necessarily go to your webkinz, but this is what you can do. Click on the mazin' hamster tab in "stuff to do" the go to "My Hamsters". You should be able to see all the mazin' hamsters you've gotten and you can rename them. I hope this helped. Have fun with your mazin' hamsters!

Where can you get go go hamsters?

i'm not compleetly sure but i know when i got my hamster there where go go hamsters at toys r us. i didnt go there to get my hamster but after i got mine i went there for my brother. Also try Boots, and Go Go Hamsters UK store.well have fun,lilypad617