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Of course they can. Dieting and an exercise routine is what will burn the most fat, but you can't do it as effectively without exercise.

The more muscle mass you have, the faster your body converts fat stores to energy to feed and build more muscle. So if you are actively building more muscle, this requires a lot of fuel that can reduce fat. The same goes for your face as well. Facial exercises should be used to strengthen muscles in the face that are not used to their fullest potential.

As a result, these muscles can tighten and tone your face if you give them a good workout, and if you do the right exercises you definitely feel a burn in this area, just like with any other muscle group.

These exercises have been around for literally millenia, but Jack Lalanne was perhaps one of the first to really bring it to the public's attention. There is countless evidence to show that it does indeed help.

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Q: Can cheek exercises help make you lose the fat in your cheeks?
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