Yes, that's why they make it. Bees make honey and store it so they have food when they are unable to forage for nectar.
honey bees eat no insects but do eat nectar
The reason why bees eat honey is because it taste good.
honey bees eat honey
*Facepalm* Bees don't eat honey....they make it.
Bees eat honey. actually bee's don't eat honey they produce it :-)
Yes, honey bees eat nectar and pollen.
No. Bees eat honey that they make from nectar of flowers.
yes, bees collect pollen, eats the pollen, and produces honey which either they eat or the beekeepers take
Honey bees do not eat mud. They primarily feed on nectar and pollen collected from flowers to sustain themselves. Mud is not a part of their diet.
Honey bees do not eat insects, they are completely vegetarian. They live on nectar and pollen collected from flowers.
Bumble bees live on pretty much the same diet as honey bees: pollen and nectar (the basis of honey).