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Yes, you can have sugar substitutes such as Splenda. Much better for a low carb diet.

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Q: Can a low carb diet can you have sugar substitutes like sweet and low?
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Why can you not have soda on the Atkins diet?

The Adkins diet allows no carbs. Soda contains sugar- ALOT of sugar, which is a carb.

Does low carb diet plan reduce sugar levels in the blood?

Yes, a low carb diet plan does help to minimize glucose in the blood. The best low carb diet plan is the one created by the mayo clinic. More info here:

What does diet coke have?

Diet Coke has Aspartame in, sometimes sucralose and saccharin (all sugar substitutes-sweeteners). Coke may have a lot of sugar but it's a lot better then diet coke, or any diet drinks containing sweeteners.

Tasty foods to eat on a no sugar diet?

Take a trip to your local health store. You will be amazed to see the healthy and sugar free options available to you. You can look at the nutritional information on the packaging of foods you already have.

How much sugar should a person eat on a low carb diet?

You are supposed to have some 20 to 50 grams of carbohydrates in low carbohydrate diet. You have to include sugar in carbohydrates. So you can take some ten to twenty grams of sugar in low carbohydrate diet.

What is the best diet for someone trying to lose 149 pounds?

Low carb, low sugar, vigorous exercise.

Why would an athlete want to avoid a low carb diet?

carbs are needed for energy & to help utilize sugar

What health benefits does a low carb diet have?

Proponents of low-carb diets say that eating in this manner increases energy because the lack of carbs reduces sugar highs and lows. Another side benefit is that the dieter will no longer crave sugar and other high carb foods.

How do you control sugar level in a diabetic child?

Sugar levels in a diabetic child can be controlled by diet and medication. Insulin and insulin substitutes may be used to keep levels in safe ranges.

how does a no sugar diet works?

Sugars are a type of carbohydrate. Therefore, a no-sugar diet is similar to a low-carb diet. Foods that include refined sugars, or flour (a simple carbohydrate), are typically avoided in favor of higher fat and protein content. Dr. Atkin's famous diet is a particular example.

Can you eat unsweetened apple sauce on a diabetic diet?

Yes! But it has to be no sugar added and you need to count the carb value or look up the exchanges to count for diabetic diet.

What is an example of a days worth of no carb diet menu?

A no carb diet menu means no carbs at all, like no bread no noodles, no sugar (cake, jello, pie) unless it says no carb on the label and usually it says on the front it is like weight watchers. Best thing is just eat fruit and vegetables.