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milk fish egg meat are rather good source of protein.

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Q: Are milk meat fish egg beans and peas good sources of carbohydrates?
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What are good carbohydrates?

good carbohydrates are Oatmeal,Baked Potatoes,Rice,Pasta,Beans,Popcorn,EGG,FISH

Are animal products good sources of carbohydrates?

yes it does

Are potatoes and bread good sources of protein?

No, they are carbohydrates.

What chemical is in a bean?

Beans contain various chemicals, but one of the key components is proteins. Beans are also a good source of fiber, carbohydrates, vitamins, and minerals.

Eggs milk fish and meat are good sources of what part of your diet?

meat=protein and fats, LEAN meat is mostly protein. milk=protein, carbohydrates, and fat. eggs=mostly protein, some fat. Milk is mostly balanced.

What Good sources of protein?

Good sources of protein are meat and usually dry beans such as lentils and beans, milk, cheese, cod and other large proportions that give us protein for our body.

2 What foods are good sources of carbohydrates?

Depends on whether you mean simple or complex carbohydrates. In general however, 2 good (and healthy) sources are: potatos (baked, not fried) and wholewheat or spinich pasta.

Can you eat beans on the Atkins diet?

in the first phase of the Atkins diet, you can not eat beans.

Is beans a starch?

Iunno You tell me

Can you lose weight by eating beans?

Beans are one of the good sources for negative calorie food, by eating only beans might not effective for weight loss. We can lose more weight with good diet besides of consuming beans.

Are there a lot of carbs in beans?

No, beans and peas are good sources of protein instead of carbs.

Which foods are carbohydrates found in?

Carbohydrates are found in several foods, but some good sources are: pasta, potatoes, rice, fruits, oatmeal and bread.