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Mostly yes. Better to take supplement if you notice deficiency syndrome

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Q: Are magnesium and B vitamins deficient in the adolescent diet?
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Are sodium and potassium deficient in the adolescent diet?

Not at all

What two nutrients are likely to be deficient in the adolescent diet?

Iron and calcium are two nutrients that are commonly deficient in the adolescent diet. Iron is important for growth and development, while calcium is necessary for building strong bones and preventing osteoporosis later in life. Adolescents are often not getting enough of these nutrients due to erratic eating habits and poor food choices.

What can calcuim be used for?

Calcium is good for the bones, muscles, and the rest of the body.Although it is not a vitamin but a chemical element, it assists the body to absorb and metabolize many vitamins. This is termed synergy.A diet lacking in calcium is a chemically unbalanced diet and often is a cause of painful night cramps in calves and toes.However, too much of it is not good. It needs to be in balance with your intake of magnesium and your intake of magnesium needs to be higher than you intake of calcium. Many people are magnesium deficient without being aware of it.

What has the author Mary Caldwell Agnew written?

Mary Caldwell Agnew has written: 'Diets deficient in vitamins A and D including Chinese and Thibetan diets' -- subject(s): Vitamins, Diet, Deficiency diseases

What nutrients are mostly deficient in children's diet?

It depends on the diet itself. Normally calium and vitamin D. Not getting enough calcium could result in rickets so it is important for your child to get enough vitamins.

Which vitamins might be lacking in the diet of a client who dislike leafy green vegetables?

Green leafy vegetables contain vitamins K, C, E and many of the B vitamins . So these vitamins will be lacking in the diet of a person who dislikes leafy vegetables. Also Green leafy vegetables are a great source of calcium and magnesium.

Is it healthy to have a diet that is made up of only lean meat?

No, it is not. A lean meat only diet is deficient in fat, fiber and vitamins. Among other issues, your teeth will fall out (vitamin C deficiency) and your eyesight will degenerate (vitamin A deficiency).

Why is a balanced diet critical for your health?

BALANCED DIET is a diet which comprises of all the nutrients( carbohydrate ,fats, minerals , vitamins , proteins ,roughage, water) that to in appropriate amount .IF a person does not take a balanced diet he will have the deficiency of the nutrient which is deficient in his diet . Hence in order to keep body healthy and away from diseases ,it is necessary to take balanced diet.

What is in the supplement Neprinol?

Neprinol is a diet supplement. It contains anti oxidants, magnesium and enzymes. It provides nutrients and vitamins that the body needs to stay healthy.

What happens if your diet is deficient?

well poo

A healthy diet will include lots of vitamins?

A healthy diet will include lots of vitamins.

What is the best brand for migraine vitamins?

Diet plays a key role in getting the proper vitamins, but we all know that we don't always eat the right foods. To supplement your diet and try to avoid migraines you could add Magnesium, Calcium, B2(Riboflavin and B6 (Pyridoxine). All of these supplements are found in food, but we generally don't consume enough of them in our daily diet.